chapter 19

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Johnnys pov:

It was the next day and johnnys wet clothes from yesterday was in a pile on his bathroom floor. He quickly got ready for school. His eyes spotting the now damp clothes on the floor and let out a small sigh with a smile. Johnny had had the most fun with Daniel then he had had before with anyone else. Maybe it was the feeling Daniel gave him.

Johnny could still remember and feel daniels lips on his from the kiss the other day. His memory of it still fresh but he knew he couldn't be all 'lover boy' at school. Not that he was really the type of boy to be clingly to a girl... Or now another boy but he knew he couldn't think about Daniel all the time at school. It wasn't like he didn't trust his friends not to tell anyone or hate Johnny for being with Daniel.

Am I with Daniel?

He thought. His face blushing a bit as the toothbrush hang in his mouth. He quickly blinked the thought away as he resumed brushing his teeth. It didn't matter whether they where together or not he just didn't want his friends to know yet. Well all his friends except Bobby. Bobby knew but Bobby was different to all his other friends.

Bobby could be sweet and kind when it was just Johnny and him or he could see someone was hurt. The day bobby, Tommy and Johnny beat up Daniel was a mistake. Tommy had lead the idea of beating up Daniel after seeing johnnys fist. Thinking it was either Daniel or someone to do with Daniel. It was sorta something to do with Daniel though. Anyway it was a mistake. Johnny knew Bobby regreted it. After the three left Daniel. Johnny could see it in his friends eyes, the way his eyes would look at his feet and would take a while to reply to his friends jokes.

Bobby just didn't want the others to see that. Johnny however knew most of them could because of the words they would say in front of Bobby and him.

Johnny was just better at hiding it.

After all he had been hiding his feelings for a while now. Covering them up with anger.

Johnny shook the thoughts of Bobby and Daniel out of his head. He needed to get ready for school.

Once he was all ready. He got onto his motobike and slipped his helment over his head. Looking back behind him as if expecting to see Daniel sat behind him. The light feeling came back into his stomach at that thought as he drove down to the school.

He parked his motobike, slipped his helment of his head and walked over to the school already seeing his friends he walked up to them.

As he did so, he looked over at the bike lock area. Seeing Daniel before looking back to his friends. All his friends where there expept Dutch. Johnny didn't think they where friends anymore.

"Hey Johnny" Bobby said giving Johnny a smile. The others gave Johnny a smile back.

"Hey" Johnny said back to his friends as they all greeted eachother and began talking about random stuff they always chatted about.

Girls, drinks, nerds, motobikes, cool cars, how stupid school was and a few others things.

"Hey uh.. Johnny?.. Looks like troubles coming.. " Tommy half whispered to Johnny. Loud enough for all the others to hear as there voices siezed.

Johnny looked over at where Tommy was looking as his other friends seemed to make a opening.

Johnnys eyes narrowed a little. Dutch.
Dutch was walking up to Johnny that same hint of mishief in his eyes and that same smirk.

"What the hell do you want?" Johnny started as soon as Dutch got close enough. His hands turning to fists at his side. The others seemed to catch on as he could feel the gaze on Dutch.

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