chapter 22

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Daniels pov:

As daniel now stood in the apartment block next to the abandoned pool with green liquid in the bottom of it. Daniel realized he knew what to tell me miyagi now. He knew the whole story. He walked over to Mr miyagis work place but it seemed as though Mr miyagi had been waiting for him as he stood with his back leaning against the wall a smile appearing on his face once he saw daniel.

"Daniel-san! " Mr miyagi said happily standing himself up straight.

Daniel gave him a smile back.

"What are you doing out here mr miyagi?" Daniel asked looking around to see if Mr miyagi was doing any work before looking back at him. He didn't let Mr miyagi answer as he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Oh I have great news mr miyagi! " Daniel said excitedly putting his arm over Mr miyagi. He widened his eyes slightly before giving Daniel a soft smile with a small laugh.

"Okay what news?" Mr miyagi said as Daniel looked as though he would explode with the news. His body jumping slightly up and down.

"I know the whole story. Me and Johnny" Daniel said giving Mr miyagi a wide smile before it dropped slightly and he stopped jumping around as much.

Mr miyagi looked at Daniel gently.

"Good news is it?" Mr miyagi asked as if he was unsure.

Daniel nodded before continuing.

"Johnny hated me because he was.. He didn't really want to fall in love with a boy" Daniel said his voice more quiet this time. Sure he was excited Johnny didn't act like he cared now but he knew he did. Daniel hadnt seen him like that ever but in the first time Daniel could see a tiny bit of weakness in johnny. Of course he would never say that to johnny. Johnny was just to afraid of what others thought but Daniel would probably be too if people actually liked him and he had the perfect life like Johnny.

Mr miyagi's smile dropped slightly as he looked at Daniel carefully.

"People do not chose who they love, heart chooses" Mr miyagi said putting his hand on his own heart. Daniel smiles gently and nodded.

"That's why he was annoyed at himself as well" Daniel said quietly back.

Mr miyagi nodded, understanding clearly what Daniel meant. Of course he did. Daniel was pretty sure mr miyagi knew everything sometimes.

"And what about you daniel-san?" He said.

"I.. I didn't want to be in love with Johnny because he was popular, rich the opposite of me" Daniel said with a small sigh letting his arm slid of off Mr miyagi back to his side.

Mr miyagi nodded.

"Johnny may be popular and rich but that does not matter." Mr miyagi said with a thought full look.

"You two speak things out?" He asked. Daniel nodded a smile coming back into his face.

"Yeah.. I don't think those things matter anymore... Well at least in private they don't" Daniel said with a small smile. He didn't care if it was only in private. Before it was never at least now it was sometimes.

Mr miyagi smiled and nodded.

"Maybe me and his sensei can be friends? " he said. Saying it even though Daniel was pretty sure he knew the answer to his own question.

Daniel laughed slightly and shook his head.

"Two different" Daniel said with a laugh and Mr miyagi laughed back.

"You may be right daniel-san but sometimes two different can work" he said with a small nod after he had finished laughing. Daniel smiled back something in his mind telling him Mr miyagi wasn't on about the differences between kreece and him anymore.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny was so happy about what had happened. Daniels words circiling his head. The certain words of "I love you" sticking right out. He couldn't manage to say it back. It was as if the words where stuck in his throat and wouldn't come out. Johnny had never felt like that before and he didn't like it but at the same time the thoughts of daniel kept him feeling floaty. Like he was on a cloud somewhere high up from his problems that he just couldn't work out how to solve.

He wished people would understand how he felt but he couldn't show them. They wouldn't understand nor would they like them but Johnny didn't care well at least for now he didn't. After all he had his best friend, Bobby and  his.. Daniel.

That's all he needed right now.

(Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will probably be the last one!)

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