chapter 17

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Daniels pov:

Daniel let go off johnnys hand as the two neared the boat on the pond. Daniel loved this place the most out of all the other places he knew. It actually made living here not too bad. He also had so many memories and lessons Mr miyagi had taught him and it had always became Daniels safe space.

As he neared the boat that was tied up to a post next to the shore of the grass, he pulled at the rope gently making the boat Bob to his side.

"Just follow me" Daniel said looking back at Johnny who was staring, still in awe at the boat and surrounding area. Daniel let out a small laugh before casually stepping onto the boat and keeping his balance.

"Don't stare to hard, you might scare it away" Daniel joked making Johnny roll his eyes and smile a little.

Daniel who was know stood on the side of the boat carefully moved over to allow Johnny on. The boat was only small but there was enough room to comfortable fit both of them. Daniel did a small hand motion for Johnny to come on.

Johnny looked at Daniel back to the water and the boat before taking a deep breath.

"I better not fall in" Johnny said clearly nervous as he slowly put his foot on the boat and quickly pulled himself up into it. Scared as if it might capsize because of the weight.

Johnny let out a heavy breath as he looked below at the water. Which although was natural it was as clear and blue as the sky. Daniel smiles softly at him as Johnny lowered himself into a sitting position and Daniel did the same.

"So... You've never been on one of these?" Daniel said referring to the boat as he reached for the wooden paddle and slowly paddled them deeper into the pond.

Johnny shook his head, slowly. He hadnt been on one of these boats before... Not one that looked so unsafe and had to be paddled by yourself.

"Nope.. I've only ever been on.. Big boats.. Like ferrys.. But I don't really like them" he said lightly looking at Daniel as he paddled. The water skimming of the paddle before relaxing back into the water.

Daniel watched Johnny as he spoke before looking down at the water.

"Why? Are you scared of water?" Daniel asked curious and a small bit worried because now Daniel had paddled them out into the middle of the pond. The deepest bit. But Johnny didn't look to scared of the water.

Johnny let out a small laugh and shook his head.

"No.. I just don't like it..the only reason I go on ferrys is to move or go on holidays.. And I don't like the feeling of moving" Johnny said his gaze soft and vulnerable as he looked at Daniel.

Daniel looked back up at him and his own gaze instantly turned worried and gentle.

"Oh.. Why not? Do you get homesick?" Daniel asked curiously. After all when he moved from his old house to where he lived now he felt awful about moving and hated this place.

Johnnys eyes looked back at the water, watching as Daniel stopped paddiling and pulled the paddle up on to the boat. Johnnys eyes looking back at Daniel.

"Because.. I was worried I might.. Lose someone" Johnny said slowly and quietly.

"I didn't want them to forgot about me.. " he said again.

Daniel looked at him curiously. His hands gently letting go of the paddle now that it was safe on the boat. His heart loud against his ears. He knew who he wanted it to be. He wanted it to be him. He wanted Johnny to be in love with him back.

".. Who?" Daniel managed to breathe out as if he was holding his breath in for the answer.

Johnnys eyes darted back to the water before looking back into Daniels eyes. His face slightly red and his eyes searching Daniels. As if looking for the answer to what Daniel would reply with. If he told him.

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