chapter 13

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Daniels pov:

Daniel stared into johnnys eyes and although they had that normal cold glaze over them, Daniel knew he was serious and some kind of softness in his eyes as Johnny stared back into his.

Daniel licked his lips again. His mouth tasting metallic and sweet. The metallic ness probably from the small cut on his lip. Daniel tried to think if what to say back to Johnny, he did want to get a ride home. Especially if it meant with johnny... But he knew what his ma thought about motobikes and at the same time as wanting to ride with johnny another part of him was saying he shouldn't. Daniels eyes tore of johnnys after a minute as he looked down at his bike, where the chain and slipped and since it was old. It looked as though it had managed to bend the bike handle and one of the peddles now chipped, as if a animal had taken a bite out of it.

He was a bit upset over the bike, upset and angry. He knew from johnnys reaction however that it probably wasn't his fault so he knew he had to keep it in. He looked back at Johnny before missing slightly.

"... Okay.." Daniel said and he swear he saw another small smile appear on johnnys face before it quickly vanished. He watched Johnny's eyes land on Daniels bike.

"Like I said it was stupid anyway" Daniel said shrugging his shoulders pretending not to care. When really he did, plus he knew his ma would be mad but mostly sad over the bike and daniel didn't really want to walk to school everyday or anywhere in fact as riding his bike was a lot quicker. He knew he also couldn't take the bus, he didn't have enough money to do that everyday.

Johnny could clearly see through him or just guessed from Daniels home and the facts or rumours he knew that Daniel would miss his bike. Johnny let out a small sigh as he walked closer to the bike and gave it a small gentle kick before looking back up at Daniel.

"Ill get you a new one Danny" Johnny said quietly and daniel looked at him shocked again before letting out a airy sound.

"You can't do that johnny, I mean it wasn't your fault... I'll be able to buy a new one" daniel said even though he knew buying a new one would be a while from now. The strangness of Johnny being nice mixing with his other feelings but it.. Felt nice.

Daniel watched as Johnny looked up and him from the bike. His eyes slightly avoiding his before looking back into his.

"Danny... There my friends that... Messed it up, so I'll buy you a new one" Johnny said taking time with his words.

"Just agree before I change my mind" Johnny said quickly as he turned away from Daniel and started to walk back up the hill.

Daniel stared at the back of Johnny for a minute before jogging back up to his side as he walked along side him.

"You would change your mind?" Daniel said with a small smile on his face, teasing Johnny a little. Not too make him change his mind or make him mad or something Daniel just quiet liked the way the two talked to each other. Well no the threatening, rude way. The way which would make daniel's heart flutter and make him question the hate between Johnny and him but he would always normally ignore it.

Johnny scoffed slightly back, a small smile on his face as he looked over at Daniel. "Maybe" he said as the two neared johnnys motobike. "If you don't accept my offer then I will" he said, a playfull tone in his voice.

Daniel, smiled slightly back as he looked towards Johnny's motobike, Johnny then back down the hill towards where he had left his bike.

"Alright, alright, I'll get on your motobike and you can buy me a new bike" Daniel said with a small laugh.

Johnny smiled back, his eye brow rising as he looked towards his bike back to daniel.

"What makes you think I want a loser riding my bike" he said although Daniel was pretty sure he was joking as as he said it. Johnny took one of the two helmets of his bike and placed it over Daniels head. Daniel wasn't sure why Johnny had two helmets hanging in his bike handel but he geussed maybe one of johnnys friends had left there's by accident. The helmet which was now on Daniels head, weighed quiet a bit as it was fairly heavy but surprisingly fit fine on his head.

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