chapter 16

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Daniels pov:

It was the next day, a Saturday luckily meaning no school. Daniel got up at 9 and ate,got himself ready and was just leaving his apartment.

"Bye ma!" He said about to go to the shop for his ma who had scribled him a small list to get from the corner shop.

"Bye baby" his ma would say back. Daniel smiled to himself as he closed the door, a small plastic, one use bag in his hand with the list.

He walked away from the door and walked towards the gate giving the old lady. Who normally sat outside, next to the empty green molding pool a awkward, forced smile. He walked to the gate and pushed it a bit, seeing no one before karate kicking it open like he normally did.

As the gate swung itself open, Daniel stepped out, carefully closing the gate behind him. He turned around once he had done that before his eyes widened a bit in surprise. A small smile creeping on to his face.

There was a red, shiny like new bike being held up by... Johnny.. He had a beige jumper on matching his hair and the hood was up with blue jeans. Daniel walked over to him.

"Johnny?" He said surprised his eyes switching between Johnny and the familiar looking bike.

"What are you doing here, what's this?" He asked his attention going more to the bike as his fingers whent over the red metal.

Daniel looked back up at Johnny, a smile on his face.

"What am I not aloud to be here?" Johnny asked jokingly as he looked around at the outside of the apartment block. Daniel shook his head with a small smile but before he could say anything else about the bike, Johnny spoke.

"Oh this old thing?" He asked his attention looking down to the bike he was holding by the black handle. Johnny looked back up at Daniel, a eyebrow raised.

Daniel watched him curiously before looking back down at the bike. Suddenly realising something.

"Johnny... You didn't buy me a new one... Did you?" Daniel asked slowly. His eyes going back to the bike, his finger tracing over it. It looked new but it didn't feel new like.. He recognized it.

"Nope... It's your same old stupid bike" Johnny replied, exaggerating the "stupid bike' part.

Daniel looked back at johnny. Johnny had fixed his bike? Daniel couldn't believe it. His eyes whent between his bike and Johnny again. He would have probably said something clever back but Daniel felt to happy to do that. He smiled back at Johnny before quickly wrapping his arms around Johnny, into a hug.

Daniels hands wrapped around johnnys beige jumper feeling the older and taller boys warm body through his jumper. Johnnys body tensed up a bit his arms staying loosely by his side before slowly putting his arms around Daniel.

"You fixed it?" Daniel finally asked through the hug before pulling away slowly. Johnnys face was a bit red as he quickly looked at the bike was now laying on the grass.

Johnny coughed slightly before speaking.

"Well I knew someone who knew a little something about bikes" he replied getting himself back together.

"... Well.. Thanks.. " Daniel replied looking down at the bike again before looking back at Johnny.

The two just looked at each other for a few minutes. A matching look in both there eyes. Happiness.

"Hey... Do you.. Wanna hang out?" Daniel said breaking off the silence. Johnny looked around after Daniel had said that. As if he was worried he might be seen before looking back at Daniel giving him a small nod.

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