chapter 2

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Johnnys pov:

Johnny couldn't help but laugh with his friends about what he did to Daniel as they all bumped into eachother. Making jokes about Daniels reaction and johnnys actions. Johnny didn't feel bad about what he had done, he never really did, especially since he didn't actually hurt Danny. He just left the thought of himself in Daniels mind and that made Johnny smile to himself even more. Even though it might not be for that good of a reason but Johnny didnt know how else to act in front of the boy, it wasn't like he liked the kid anyway. Johnny liked the way he was even though he knew some people didn't agree but he would just go ahead and call them losers anyway. Johnny liked the fact people liked him and thought he was cool or where just to afraid to say others whys but Daniel was... Different.. Daniel could tell Johnny he was a 'jerk' and although that made him angry and even a little upset, he would just laugh it off. He knew he was a bit of a jerk anyway but what if he liked being like that?

Johnny continued to walk away with his friends leaving Danny behind him but his presence didn't leave johnnys mind.

Johnny finally whent to class after arriving a few minutes late, he sat down near the back and layed his head on the desk, not paying attention to what was said. He put his hand into his pockets., his eyes widened slightly as he felt a piece of what felt like paper between his fingers. He fiddiled with it a little trying to work out what he had put into his pocket. Johnny knew it wasn't any school work and he hasn't wrote anything down on paper. His fingers wrapped around the piece of paper as he slowly pulled it out of his pocoet, raising his head of the desk as he did so.

He pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket, looking down at it to see it was a white lined paper that was folded in half. He looked at it confused before unfolding it.

As johnnys eyes followed the words on the peice of paper he quickly remembered who's it was.


When Johnny had took Daniels book, a price of a paper had fallen out of it and Johnny had put it into his pocket. Not thinking much of it and just guessing it was a scrap peice of paper.

The paper read.

Karate practice at home

Johnny smiled to himself as he read the words to himself his fingers tracing over Daniels words. He even needs to write notes to himself to remember. What an idiot. He thought with a smile, but it wasn't a mean one or a cruel one.

He quickly realized how much he was smiling and stuffed the paper back into his pocket.

Johnny knew now where he was going to after school. He just wanted to see how Daniel trained.

Daniels pov:

Once Daniel had shoved his now slightly wet book back into his locker and locked it shut. He tried to ingnore the anger and thoughts of Johnny in his head although he found it difficult. It was as if the annoying boy was glued inside his head not allowing him to forget about him. Daniel walked down the school hallway, heading to his first class, science. He never really found it interesting but now he was wishing the class would start already so he would stop thinking about johnny. His blonde hair, his darkish eyes, his height and build.... Shut up Daniel!

His mind seemed to shout him out of whatever the hell he was thinking about. He quickly got into the classroom and sat down in the nearest seat not needing time to chose as he just wanted to get the lesson over and done with, to get him out of his head.

After school:

After school, Daniel had finally shaken Johnny from his mind. He left the school, threw his back pack onto his back and unlocked his bike. He cycled his way home, to his and his ma's apartment.

"Ma! I'm home!" Daniel called out to let his mum know he was home as he put his bag onto the kitchen table. At the no reply, daniel suddenly felt a pit of worry and fear

"Ma?!" He called out again questioning whether he was shouting loud enough although the whole apartment block could probably hear his shouts.

His eyes looked around the small flat before spotting a note on the kitchen counter.

'Dear my baby, daniel,

Don't worry I'm just out getting some shopping done, I'll be home in about a 1hour or 2'

The note read making daniel let out a breath of relief. He smiled to himself at the fact he had his flat to himself, it wasn't like he was going to throw a party or anything but he did like the feeling of being alone in his flat as he knew how his ma laughed at him as he practiced karate.

As soon as he thought that, he could have sworn he had to practice karate today, he opened up his bag pulling out the book which had dried from being spat on. Daniel winced slightly at the thought as he slowly flipped open the work book.

He didn't see any note but thought it probably got lost as he knew he had it today. He stood up and whent over to Mr miyagi's work area.

"Mr miyagi?" Daniel called out going through the beaded curtain expecting to see Mr miyagi.

"Mr miyagi?" He called again not seeing him any where. Daniel soon stopped calling for him, guessing he was busy or had also forgot about Daniels training.

Daniel walked back to his flat, choosing to stay in the outside area to do his karate incase Mr miyagi noticed him and could teach him some more stuff. Plus no one was around as no one really hang outside there old run down apartments.

He started off doing what he knew as he practiced what Mr miyagi had taught him.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny pulled up with his fancy, wealthy car up to daniels apartment block South seas. Johnny never really felt or took any notice of daniels apartment, he'd often drive past it but now that he was really looking at it he could see all the scruffiness of it. Unlike his step dad he didn't look down on people who where less unfortunate as him.. Or he tried not to anyway. As he looked on at daniels apartment block he felt a tiny bit sorry for daniel, the feeling sitting wierd in his stomach.

He tore his eyes away from the look of the building and got out of his car, putting his hands into his pocket. He wasn't really sure how he was going to explain this to daniel or even if he was going to.

He guessed he was just going to walk up to daniel, watch him do his karate for a bit who thought being spotted then hand him the note. Easy right? And defiently not wierd.

Johnny started walking towards the apartment block, his face scrunching up a bit as he walked past a bin that one of the residents had left out. It's insides spilt across the path. He cautiously stepped over the rubbish before shaking his feet like he'd just been stung by a hornet. Johnny then took a deep breath trying to find something nicer to focus on before he spotted daniel.

Johnny pulled himself back round the corner of the apartment block as he poked his head out. Luckily daniel didn't look as though he had spotted Johnny. He let out a deep breath as he watched him do his karate, his eyes feeling glied to him. He's kinda good. He thought to himself.

Even though Johnny had seen daniel fight him a lot, he wasnt really was watching daniel. But now spectating him like this... It felt different, maybe even nicer then actually fighting him.

After a while of watching daniel fight the air, he smiled slightly to himself before shaking himself out of it and deciding to hand the note to him now and not act like he had just been admiring him. Johnny walked up to daniel, putting his hands in his pockets of his jeans as his hand held onto the price of paper in his pocket.

Johnny now stood a few steps away from the back of daniel, daniel who still hadn't noticed was still throwing punches and kicks at the air. He smiled a little, taking a hand out of his pocket and tapping daniel on the shoulder.

He watched as daniel spun round quickly a smile wide on his face before seeing Johnny it dropped to a frown.

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