chapter 6

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Daniels pov:

"Daniel?!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Danny?!" It shouted again, full of concern and worry as daniel heard the footsteps get louder and closer to him.

He opened his eyes slowly, his vision still slightly blurry but he blinked it clear. His eyes focused as he saw a pair of black and white shoes and blue slightly baggy jeans.

He tried to move his head up to see who the person was, his mind still foggy from laying on the floor and the hit to the head. He grunted at the movement that he had made a wave of pain washing over him. Not only did his head hurt but so did his whole body, feeling like it had been kicked and tossed like a rag doll, which was close enough t9 what actually happened.

"Daniel, don't move, okay? It's me Freddy"

At Freddy's words, Daniel sighed a bit of relief at the familiar boys presence. Daniel didn't mind that Freddy had ditched him that one time when he had been beaten up by johnny. He geyssed he was just happy if wasn't one of the cobra's coming in to 'check' on him. He felt Freddy' arms going under his arms and pulling him up so he was sitting up, his head resting against the bar as he tried to breathe the pain away.

"I'm okay.. " Daniel managed to mumble but Freddy didn't look convinced. Freddy looked at Daniel, Freddy's head titled as he looked at him.

"It really doesn't look like it" Freddy said putting his hand up to daniels red and now started to bruise head. Daniel flinched and winced at the contact of Freddy's hand sighing once again as Freddy pulled away, Freddy letting out his own tired sigh.

Daniel didn't reply to that as he looked down at himself, his head banging from the movement. Overall his clothes looked fine, his gym clothes where still together and not ruined and his arms didn't seem to have any bruises on but his stomach and head ached even whith ought any visible bruises, experience from the cut/bruise on his head.
They sat quick for a minute, Freddy staring at Daniel and Daniel looking down at his feet slightly embarrassed from the situation now.

"...why do you always get like this Daniel" Freddy said but his voice didn't sound fustarted or cruel instead just sad and confused as if some how Daniel planned for this to happen.

Daniel looked back up at freddy, sadden, fustrated and confusion in his eyes but he was too exhausted to express any of them.

".. I don't know.. I don't plan it.. " he managed to get out as he tried to smile a little at Freddy. Freddy's smiled slightly aback at daniels words before closing his eyes for a minute before standing up straight and grabbing the side of Danny and letting him lean on him as he pulled him up.

"Can you walk?" He asked and Daniel nodded.

"Yeah I don't think I'm that wounded.. " Daniel joked slightly as he felt his weight as he stood, leaning slightly on Freddy for support as he out his arms over his shoulders. Freddy didn't laugh at daniels slight joke but nodded, keeping hold of him as they walked out of the gym changing room.

"Let's get you to the nurse.. She might send you home early.. " Freddy said as he helped Daniel walk as they headed towards the medical room.

"Yeah.. Okay.. " Daniel said, each step hurting his head as If the world was moving in a different pace to him.

Daniel and Freddy reached the medical room, Freddy left Daniel there as the nurse came and helped him onto a seat before giving him a review and deciding to send him home.

She asked if he wanted her to ring his mum but he shook his head, not wanting her to struggle with there run down car just to pick him up and make her worry more. Daniel knew how angry and upset his ma got when he came home with a bruise or a cut. He managed to convince the nurse he would be able to walk home, not mentioning that he also had to push his bike as he knew riding it would be worse.

As he walked home, leading the bike at the side of him. The cold air hitting his body felt soothing against the burn in his head and the weird fuzzy feeling in his stomach although it didn't help much with the ache his body felt. He didn't knew why Johnny beat him up with his friends.. Actually he did know why, johnny hated him, that was the simple and only answer it wasn't any more complex like Mr miyagi said it had to be, it was simple. Daniel didn't know though why or if johnny had told his friends about Mr miyagi's teaching but biased of there mocking he must have done. He knew he shouldn't but Daniel sure wished it would have been a fair fight and that he wasn't held back by Johnny's friends, maybe that was why the pain felt even worse because Daniel knew he was to weak to get out of it.

Soon enough he was at the door to his apartment. He took a deep breath and leaned his bike on the side of the wall before pushing the door open.

His ma was in the kitchen cleaning something and at the sound of the door opening she turned around, her face breaking into a sad and upset face.

"Oh Danny" his ma said not asking for a explanation as she walked over to him cupping his face in her hands. Her eyes where clearly heartbroken at seeing her son like this but Daniel could tell she was used to it and so was he at this point. At this point daniels bruises and body aching didn't seem to hurt that bad now instead the look in on his ma's face hurt the most.

"Oh ma" he said back putting his arms round her as he hugged her closely his own voice breaking with sadness and pain.

His ma hugged him tighter, one hand round his back the other on his hair stroking it gently.

"Oh baby.. I wish you and these boys would stop fighting.. " she had quietly making daniels heart hurt more then it had seeing her reaction.

"Ma.. " he said again not really as a question but he just didn't know what else to say. Of course he wanted the fighting to stop too but he knew it wouldn't. It didn't matter how badly Daniel wanted it to stop, he was pretty sure johnny didn't care and Mr miyagi's words came back to him then.

"Two people must be angry to start hatred"

"Source must be stronger then that"

Daniel closed his eyes as his head was against his ma's shoulder. Still mr miyagi's words made no sense.

Johnnys pov:

As johnny left the changing room, he looked up at his two friends, Bobby and Tommy, they where both laughing, patting eachother on the back as they walked to outside on the field where the rest of the class was. Not once looking back to see if johnny was following.

Johnny sighed softly, his body shaking slightly and his head hurting not like he had been hit or anything but johnny felt so much regret and hate for himself his own head was hurting with these strange emotions to him. That normally he could cover up with his arragance but some reason this seemed harder to hide. Maybe it was because Daniel couldn't fight back. Maybe it was because Daniel had done nothing wrong and  johnny was just mad at himself. Daniel never did anything wrong though.

Johnny just admit you like the boy...

The boy. The boy. The boy

The words seemed to repeat in his head and johnny punched the nearest door as he followed his friends through. Johnny didn't like Daniel. Not in a friend way and especially not in that.. Kind of way. Because Daniel was a boy and so was johnny.

And Daniel was annoying.

"Woah man" Bobby said as both Bobby and Tommy where now looking at him, concern mixed with proudness in there eyes.

Johnny looked down at his red fist that although looked painful Johnny couldn't even focus on the pain. He looked back up at his friends, hoping his face and eyes where hiding the emotions he felt but normally it did anyway.

"Sorry man.. I'm just... Stressed" Johnny said thinking if a excuse. A way to explain himself that he too could force himself to believe.

Tommy and Bobby looked at eachother before Bobby put his arm over johnnys shoulder.

"It's made sure that kid wouldn't mess with you again" Bobby said his words that where meant to be comforting made Johnny feel even worse but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah.. " Johnny said with a small nod before they walked with him to the field, the conversation changing towards what they where playing today for that lesson.

Even through the while gym class johnny couldn't help himself but worry. But to think he had to do something to make it up to Daniel.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now