chapter 23

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Daniels pov:

Daniel and Johnny had been going out secretly together. Only ever in private. Daniel didn't mind though, in fact he loved it. He loved how the two would joke and Johnny to be so romantic. He didn't even mind it in public when Johnny bothered him a bit less but when he did he made sure to not to be too mean. Daniel knew johnnys friends didn't know expect Bobby. Johnny told Daniel that he talked about him to bobby but Bobby was alright. Bobby sometimes would secretly ask him if he was alright after one of his friends would pick on Daniel before Johnny could stop it or was there.

There meaness died down a lot from when Johnny had been leading it tthough. normal it was just a random few of johnnys 'friends' that daniel didn't even really know. He wasn't even sure if they where johnnys friends or if Dutch, Who still Accasionally would try get involved with him and johnnys, had made his own little group. Johnny said not to worry about Dutch though.

That wasn't a problem for daniel though. After all he had been going through them problems anyway.

Johnny was the one who looked like he cared. Dutch would sometimes try to pick on him too. That going and being harder for him to do. Johnny was a hot tempered boy and he had always been popular. No one else seemed to care that johnny had stopped the beating up of daniel as they either went on to another kid or just did something else. Dutch hadn't though and daniel could see it, the fear, sometimes in johnnys eyes. Maybe he was scared of Dutch knowing, knowing about him and johnny, how they weren't just friends.

That wouldn't happen though. Dutch was also just a hot tempered boy with anger. Anger for something he hadn't worked out yet. Or maybe he did and it just wasn't possible.

It didn't really matter though to daniel. He had sorted out his problem.

Daniel was more in love with Johnny then he had ever been and now... When Daniel heard about the dance at his school he so wished that Johnny and him could go together. Daniel knew that he was just wish full thinking though.

Daniel had told Ali too. She was also pretty happy about it. She gave him a big hug and he remembered clearly what words she had said too him.

"I knew you two would end up together" she said with a small smile.

"Really? How?" He asked giving her a small smile back. Confused though by how she 'knew'.

" I said before the way johnny looked at you and.. " her voice turned more playful as she nudged daniel in the side.

"Your like the typical bad boy and loser boy" she said her tone playful. Daniel pushed her arm away, laughing as he protected his side before giving her a playful look.

"Yeah and who's the bad boy and who's the loser?" He said jokingly looking her up and down.

Ali laughed back.

Daniel also remembered alis other words, that if johnny did do anything or any of johnnys friends started to pick on me still. Then to tell her. He knew he wouldnt but he was pretty sure she knew he wouldn't either but any the less ali's words meant everything to him.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny loved daniel so much. So badly and desperately he wanted to say the words 'I love you' back but when ever he tried or whent to say them nothing happened. Sure he had daniel had kissed again since that one time but some how that was easier then the words. Johnny had done that a lot though. The kisses and mean less words but these words to daniel where different. They weren't mean less they where everything he had ever imaged and wished to say to daniel. Instead, because he couldn't have daniel the anger would build and that anger would have to be taken out on... Daniel.

But now that didn't have to happen. Johnny was happy. The happiest he had felt in a long time. He barely felt the anger now.

Except when Dutch or one of his other old friends would try act better then him. Picking on Daniel and making fun of Johnny for his decision. The anger in Johnny would rise, often causing him to fight it out or get into a heavy argument. It didn't matter though, he was doing it for a good reason.

His other friends where still his friends and didn't care about johnnys decision not to beat Daniel up any more. They didn't ask questions instead they moved on to something else. Like just drinking when they wherent supposed to, going on motobike rides where there was no people about and speeding down the streets and roads, picking on nerds or anyone who messed with them. Just there normal stuff before Daniel came along.

Johnny was glad Daniel had though. Others whys he may never had found his love, his happiness. Sure he couldn't brag about Daniel to all his friends like he wanted to but he had Bobby and Bobby would joke with him about it and listen to him. Even if he didn't really understand how Johnny could like Daniel and how the two... Worked.

"Yeah so tell me did you kiss him again? " Bobby asked playfully.

"What's it to you, Bobby can't get anyone yourself?" Johnny would joke back.

Bobby laughed before rolling his eyes.

"What? I'm just curious about the love birds, man tell me!" He would say acting like the biggest fan ever.

Johnny would laugh back before slowly nodding his head as if shy to admit.

Bobby smiled widely, giving Johnny a Pat on the back.

Bobby had also talked about a dance or something to him. Saying

"you know it would be pretty cool if you could take Daniel to the dance, yeah?" He would say. Johnny raised a eye brow at him then. Before looking away his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah but..remember where secret... Things like.. " Johnny motioned with his hands.

"Boys and boys.. Together.. " Johnny said but Bobby intrupted him.

"I never said you had to go as a couple.. " he said with a sugestive look.

"I mean of course tell him you would take him as a couple but you could just act as friends when your there" Bobby said

"I mean for God sake Johnny you could just fuck everyone else and you know.. Be a couple"

At this Johnnys eyes widened a little before he scoffed slightly.

"You know I care too much... " he mumbled back and Bobby would let out a small sigh.

Johnny had known what Bobby had meant by that. Johnny didn't care what people thought about him, he didn't care how he came across, he didn't care about what he did. But Bobby was forgetting one thing. Johnny cared about what his friends thought, he cared about being popular. He was all too... Afraid..

He hated the word 'afraid' anything to do with scared. It made him sound weak. It was true though but he did listen to bobbys words or at least he was thinking about it.

He wasn't really into them dances. He never was when he had to take one of his girlfriends or even when he just whent with friends. Making sure to fill up his cup with some kind of smuggled in alcohol but if Daniel wanted to go, Johnny would go to, this time with ought the alcohol.

Daniels pov:
A couple of days later:

Daniel had been gently pulled into a empty classroom. Well not completely empty. The person who had pulled him in shut the door before turning round to him.

"Danny, can I ask you about something? " Johnny said, his blonde hair falling slightly into his eye as he pushed it out the way.

Daniel looked around the empty classroom before looking back at Johnny. Almost for getting why Johnny had pulled him out into the empty room instead of just talking to him. Almost forgetting why they couldn't just talk in a crowded hall, during the weekend.

"Yeah.. What is it?" Daniel asked lightly giving Johnny a small smile.

"How do you.. Feel about dances.. School dances?" Johnny asked, his face flushing a bit at his cheeks. Clearly nervous or flustered to ask.

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