chapter 20

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Daniels pov:

The ride with Johnny was.. Amazing. He didn't really like motobikes but riding them with Johnny made it better. The whole time daniel held onto him tightly and although daniel could tell that Johnny was a bit stressed and worried, he relaxed in daniels arms.

"Hey Johnny where are we going by the way?" Daniel asked after the two had just finished a conversation. He realised he didn't actually know where Johnny was taking him too.

Johnny was quiet for a bit before speaking.

"My dojo.. I need to talk to my sensei" Johnny replied and daniel paused for a moment. Thinking it was best he didn't come along. He knew how Johnny and daniels relationship was secret. Not the fact they kissed just the fact they where friends was secret. Daniel wondered every minute from that kiss if Johnny thought they where more then that because most of the time daniel felt it and wanted it.

"Okay.. I'll stay outside.. " daniel replied after a minute. Seeing that Johnny and him where getting closer.

"Yeah.. No Offence daniel but if he sees you either one of us are dead" Johnny replied looking back at daniel for a second to give him a sorry look.

Daniel nodded. He understood. Johnnys sensei after all was a.. Interesting character. He often wondered if kreese hated him more then he thought Johnny did.

"I'm pretty sure both of us can take him" daniel lied, saying it as a joke.

Johnny laughed a little as he stopped his motobike round the side of the dojo so daniel wouldn't be seen by kreese.

"Yeah Danny, although I don't think I would need your help" he joked back getting off his motobike and giving the helmet on daniels held a rub so it brushed against his head.

Daniel smiled at johnnys joke and pulled up the screen of the helmet so Johnny could clearly see him and daniel could see him back.

"Oh you think your that strong?" Daniel joked back with a small laugh before doing a hand action that said. 'Go'

Johnny nodded. "Yeah of course I do" before walking off to the front of the cobra kai dojo.

Daniel smiled as he watched Johnny head towards the dojo. Before letting out a breath remembering what happened back at the school. Starting to get worried.

He wasn't worried about missing school however. He knew they where going to ring his ma. Sure she'd be worried and mad but daniel was more worried about Johnny.

Why he seemed so stressed to talk to kreese. Kreese didn't seem like a guy you could tell your problems too and he'd sort it out but maybe he was. After all daniel wouldn't expect to have kissed johnny. For johnny not to be that much of a jerk.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny left daniel and headed to the front of the dojo. He pushed open the door. Knowing it would be open. The dojo was nearly always open. No one was there though and there was no sign of kreese.

"Sensei?" Johnny asked into the emptiness as the door shut behind him.

There was no reply back to johnnys call. He looked around looking for any sign of kreese. He needed to sort this out now. Whatever dutch had told kreese he knew it wasnt going to be anything kreese would be happy about.

"Sensei?" Johnny called again before sighing heavily.

"Where the hell is he?" He mummbled annoyed to himself. His step dad was going to be pissed he was missing school. He also didn't want his sensei to think anything bad about him.

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