chapter 12

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Daniels pov:
The next day, after school:

Daniel had just been through another boring day of school, sat through a school lecture. He unlocked his bike and started to ride home. After telling Ali about his feelings yesterday, he couldn't help his feelings feel stronger as if somehow ali's words had clinked something in him but another part of him didn't want that to be true. He didn't want to fall in love with Johnny but at the same time he did.

As he cycled his bike over the hill, he started to hear the dreaded noise of motobikes. Daniel looked behind him, his heart beating faster already knowing what may happen. After all the last time he had been near the cobra kai gang on the hill was when they pushed him off.

The motobike noise drew louder and Daniel tried to speed up but his old bike was no use against motobikes. As they came into view they where soon ust behind him. Daniel looked back again at them, surprised to see only 2 motobikes and not either of them where Johnny. He didn't know if that should have made him felt sad or happy. Sad that Johnny wasn't there, that he didn't get to see a glimpse of Johnny or happy that maybe just maybe the others might leave him alone.

But he was wrong about that.

"Aw look baby larusso on his bikey" Dutch mocked as he pulled his motobike up next to Daniel. Daniel tried to ignore him as he kept cycling.

"Hey! Are you deaf now larusso" Tommy said from behind him. Daniel bit his lip before finally speaking.

"I just don't like responding to people who aren't worth my time" he said back not turning his head to face them but he could feel there stares.

"Guess, johnnys beating wasn't enough for you, huh?" Dutch said, his bike moving closer to daniels.

Daniel looked over at him then, his nerves high but he wasn't going to back down to them. Daniel grabbed hold of dutch's motobike handle and turned it to the other side. Dutch's bike served away from Daniel as he sweared at him, pulling his bike back to going straight.

Daniel quickly grabbed hold of his bike handles trying to serve away from Tommy but of course Tommy on his motobike was faster as his bike pushed against daniels.

"Larusso, your gonna pay!" Tommy shouted at daniel. Daniel who had heard the words a million times before didn't reply. He was afraid of the cobra kai's but he would also never back down to them and let them see how afraid he really was.

He kept trying to swerve away from Tommy but as Dutch leveled his bike back up he hit daniels tyer causing him to swerve. Tommy saw this as a opening as Daniel tried to level his bike back up and hit into the sit of daniels bike again. The metal from tommy's bike scratching against daniels leg.

Daniels bike began to fall down the hill and so did Daniel as his bike and him rolled down. He groaned and curcled him self into a ball as he came to a stop. His bike landing on top of him.

He could hear the boys laughter from the top.

"Stupid bike, stupid bike" Daniel groaned out, his leg hurting from the fall. He pushed the bike off him angrily before quickly pulling himself to his feet as he saw Tommy and Dutch start coming down the hill. With 2 more motobikes arriving in the distance.

He watched them as they came closer, his feet spaced apart as he whent to keep a strong stance incase they tried anything.

"What?" Daniel shouted at them as duth and Tommy came closer. The sound of the other 2 motobikes stopping.

"Larusso thinks he wants to fight with the big boys?" Dutch called out. Not bothering to turn to the sound of the 2 other motobikes pulling up next to there's.

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