chapter 4

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Daniels pov:

After johnny had walked off from daniel and mr miyagi, daniel couldn't help the small smile showing on his face at the other boys actions. Daniel was actually a bit surprised and a bit proud of how much johnny had cleaned the car, leaving half the car clean and half the car dirty. He remembered his first time being asked to clean the cars and having a similar thought to johnny... Just in a more respectful way. He would never admit it to someone but he thought the two wherent that different after all. Daniel also found it funny and quite.. Cute.. When johnny seemed so shocked and actually happy when he realised what he had learnt from Mr miyagi's karate. Daniel had hope that maybe now johnny would respect it but as johnny turned away and said what he had said, Daniel doubted that he had learnt nothing but still found it rather funny to see the sides of johnny that he had never seen before.

"Your friend is..intresting" Mr miyagi said, the word 'intresting' taking a while to be chosen and said. Daniel could feel Mr miyagi walking closer to him and turned to face him.

"Yeah he's a bit of a hot head" Daniel halfed joked, giving up on trying to tell Mr miyagi that johnny was not his friend now, in fact he was still the complete opposite.

Mr miyagi smiled and gave Daniel a Pat on the shoulder.

"Two similar" he spoke making Daniel quickly raise a eyebrow looking at him confused.

"Me and johnny similar?" He spoke quickly, taken a back by Mr miyagi's words.

Mr miyagi let out a small laugh as he removed his hand from daniels shoulder.

"You both are very strong.." Mr miyagi began as Daniel watched him wide eyed.
"Both can be angry fast" at his words, Daniel quickly opened his mouth to protest but Mr miyagi quickly put his hand in front of daniels open mouth making him quickly close it in defeat, letting him continue.

"Daniel-san, you both must try to control anger" he said letting his hand drop from daniels mouth as he saw him close his mouth. At these words though Daniel outstretched his arms in a way to protest.

"Iam the one who can control my anger, he can't!" Daniel protested, not liking being related to his bully and getting called similar to him by the one he loved as a best friend and sensei.

At daniels protesting, Mr miyagi let out a small laugh again, a smile pulling at his lips.

"Two people must be angry to start a hatred, daniel-san" Mr miyagi said calmly.

Daniel paused for a moment on the spot as Mr miyagi began to walk away, shouting back something about the next training session but Daniel couldn't really focus on listening to Mr miyagi's words as what he said went through his head.

Daniel was angry..he was angry at the fact johnny hated him, he was angry that whatever he seemed to do johnny picked on him, he was angry that johnny didn't even give a real reason to hating him. He was angry at johnny.

But he couldnt just let that anger go, something was holding it inside him, not letting him forget. Maybe it was johnny himself who would always push Daniel to the edge or maybe it was something else.

Daniel watched as Mr miyagi walked away before quickly jogging back up to his side.

"Okay.. Okay.. But how do I let the anger go? If the other person doesn't want to?" Daniel said as Mr miyagi turned his head towards him as he kept walking through the apartments, past the empty pool.

"Mmm... Both have to.." Mr miyagi said bluntly making Daniel put his hand onto his head as he kept up with Mr miyagi's pace.

"Well then it will never happen!" Daniel said frustrated as he let out a airy sigh.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now