chapter 10

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Daniels pov:

Daniel tried to shake of what and happened with him and Johnny as he finally pulled open the bathroom door and stepped out. He looked at himself in the mirror before washing his hands and walking out of the bathroom.

Daniel didn't know why Johnny had been nice or even if he was meaning to be nice when he pulled him into the stall. Daniel had guessed it was because he didn't want his friends seeing daniel. Maybe Johnny was scared for him but surely that couldn't be it. Johnny had never cared before.

He had put his hand back into his pocket. Into the pocket where the note was and his hand wrapped around it again keeping it safe. Maybe Johnny wasn't as bad as he seemed.

Daniel walked down the corridor and his eyes laid on johnny. He was walking with Bobby and his two other friends in front. Bobby's hand over johnnys shoulder in the way there gang always seemed to do. So why did daniel now seem so jealous.

He swallowed down the feeling hoping it would go away as he looked away from the two. God why has he got to be so handsome. He said to himself before he swallowed hard again.

Daniel wouldn't mind being in love with a boy. Daniel had always said he didn't care about gender and thought that people should be able to love whoever they wanted but there was something about Johnny that made him a exception. Meaning Daniel couldn't be in love with him. Anyone but him.

Daniel slowed down his pace as he walked down the corridor wanted johnnys gang to dissapear from his view. At that second he felt footsteps behind him and a voice.

"Hey Danny" Freddy said making Daniel turn round.

He smiled back. To be honest a bit surpirsed Freddy was talking to him, probably just to check on him from yesterday but his friends where awkwardly stood behind him. Freddy smiled back before pointing to daniels plaster.

"Is your head okay?" He asked making Daniel laugh slightly.

"I haven't died yet so I'd say it's okay" he joked and Freddy smiled a bit more at his joke.

Freddy whent to open his mouth but one of his friends stepped in before he could talk. Daniel recognised him from the beach party.

"Why do you always get into a fight with them lot anyway. You must've done something bad to get on there nerves" the boy started.

"Don't get me wrong, they pick on a lot of people but they really hate you" the boy said again his face wincing a little as he started back at daniels plaster covering up the red cut on his forhead.

Daniel froze up a little before he scoffed slightly.

"I don't know man, how about you ask them that?" Daniel spoke back. His voice turning a bit harsh as he spoke making the boy who had talked cross his arms over his chest.

Daniel didn't know why they hated him so much. Maybe that's why he got so annoyed at the boys words. He just knew he hated them and suddenly at that he forgot how 'nice' Johnny was before.

Freddy stepped in this time, seeing how annoyed Daniel looked.

"Daniel don't listen to him. I'm sure you did nothing wrong" Freddy spoke calmly.

"Maybe it's because you thought you where as cool as them when you stood up to Johnny" the same boy said. Clearly trying to get Daniel annoyed.

"No one stands up to Johnny Lawrence"

Freddy didn't know what to do now as he looked between Daniel and his friend. Daniel took a deep breath as his hand clenched into his fist in his pocket. Crinkiling the note in his fist.

"Yeah well I did" Daniel said turning his back on Freddy and his friends.

"Look thanks for the checkup Freddy" he said taking a deep breath again before walking fast away from the boys. He knew freddys friends didn't like him. He didn't even know Freddy still liked him but he didn't care if they did or not. Daniel didn't need anymore people in his life just saying shit about him.

He kept taking deep breaths as his pace slowed down. He didn't get why Johnny and his friends where so popular. He thought and half knew they where probably popular because most people where scared of them or because there where so attractive.

Daniel cut of his thoughts again as he heard himself say that in his head. He really needed to stop.

He knew then that he had to talk to someone about it. Maybe not tell them exactly who. But he needed to explain his feelings somehow. Suddenly he remembered ali's words.

"Well if you need to talk to someone you have me"

He thinked it over for a little while before deciding to speak to Ali about it.

Daniel continued walking through the corridor trying to figure out where Ali might be before seeing some of her friends huddled up. Then there she was.

Ali was talking to her friends, as she fussed with her hair. Daniel smiled a little at his best friend before walking over to her and her friends.

"Hey Ali" he said making some of the girls turn and whisper to each other.

Ali had told him before that some of the girls still thought that he and Ali where dating. Even though Ali had told them a hundred of times they weren't and they where just friends and Daniel would laugh. She had also told him that some had crushes on him themselves.

Ali smiled and scooted through her huddle of friends to daniels side.

"Hey!" She said happy to see him.

Daniel smiled back before awkwardly rubbing the back of his head again making Ali watch him curiously and Cautiously.

Daniel always had a habit of doing that when he was nervous and of course Ali knew it.

"Can I talk to you after school?" Daniel asked.

Ali gave a quick nod before giving him a awkward smile. "It will have to be at yours or some place else... You know what my parents think. " she said awkwardly.

Daniel nodded. "It's fine" he replied quickly. He knew ali's parents didn't like him and he hated how they always looked apologetic to him as if they had somehow made him poor or as if he was a little begger at there door and they didn't have anything to give him.

"You can come round mine. My ma won't mind" he said knowing Ali wasn't like them and that she woudnt judge his apartment.

Ali smiled again "yeah, that's sounds great"

Daniel smiled back, trying to forget the nerves and thoughts swirling round his head.

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