chapter 3

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Daniels pov:

At the tap of a hand on his shoulder, daniel turned round with a big smile on his face, expecting it to be Mr miyagi but as he turned round and spotted Johnny his smile instantly dropped to a frown.

What the hell is he doing here? He thought, knowing this was not a normal place for a boy like Johnny to be hanging with none of his mates. Daniel expected Johnny probably wanted another go at annoying him but he had never turned up to his apartment block before. Daniel looked at Johnny confused.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel asked his voice filed with confusion and a little bit of Irratiation.

Johnny face was blank, too hard for daniel to read.

"I just wanted to give you this larusso" Johnny said as daniel watched him pull a price of paper out of his pocket and hold it out for him to grab. Daniel watched him carefully, his irritation dropping as he took the peice of paper from johnnys hand.

He unfoled it and saw what it was before putting it back in his pocket before looking back up at Johnny.

"Thanks... " daniel said slightly quietly, surprised by Johnny giving something back to him, he thought that Johnny would just keep it and not hand it back since Danny didn't know he had it anyway. He gave him a slight smile and Johnny shuffled on his feet a bit awkwardly like he had never had someone thank him before.

"Yeah well you should be more careful with your stuff" Johnny said back but his words just made daniel smile a bit more as they didn't hold johnnys normal mean tone.

"Alright, yeah, I'll be more careful" daniel said back with a smile even though Johnny was the one who had made him lose the note anyway.

Daniel and Johnny stood looking at eachother for a few awkward seconds before Daniel started to hear footsteps approaching.

"New friend joining?" Said a familiar voice, Mr miyagis voice.

At that sound, Daniel turned round to face Mr miyagi who was approaching the two boys before stopping a few steps away from them.

Mr miyagi had a bright smile as he looked between Daniel and Johnny. Daniel looked back at Johnny who frowned at Mr miyagi and crossed his arms over his chest,clearly rembering the man who beat him up but Mr miyagi didn't seem to mind him.

Daniel whent to open his mouth to protest against Johnny being his friend and joining in with his session but Mr miyagi cut him of.

"Sorry I was late daniel-san" Mr miyagi said giving Daniel a Pat on the shoulder

"Important work" he said again this time facing Johnny as he put his hand up to johnnys cheek. Daniel watched Johnny flinch slightly at Mr miyagi's hand as he patted johnnys cheek making johnnys eyes widen a little in embarrassment.

Daniel smiled at johnnys reaction as Mr miyagi moved his hand.

"Friend will be joining" Mr miyagi said this time not as a question but as a statement.

"I'm not his friend" Johnny said, getting over what had just happened but as Daniel turned to him and Johnny looked back at Daniel. Daniel couldn't see much resentment against Mr miyagi's words.

"Yeah.. Does he have to do it with me?" Daniel said this time, although he wouldn't mind Johnny being here with him. His karate was just for him and Mr miyagi not for Johnny who didn't even respect it.

Mr miyagi didn't reply to there two's argument against it and just shook his head.

"You two can both learn" Mr miyagi finally replied to the both of them. Making both Johnny and Daniel look at eachother with confused looks.

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