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Margo's POV

Another lovely day at school. My friends usually get me through it though. I don't know what I'd do without them. Robin and I just randomly became friends like a year ago when we got paired to do an assignment together. She can be too much sometimes but I totally adore her. Eddie has been my best friend since we were kids. We've always been there for each other. I've always stood up for him and he's always helped me out. We need each other. I don't have a dad and he doesn't have a mom. Life kind of just works out that way, given the circumstances. Eddie and I get the same comments from people all the time. 'Fuck already' 'Are you guys a couple?' 'Quite a couple you two make'. It's the constant shit I would get sick of. Now it's just a funny joke that will make us laugh. If Eddie knew about my huge crush on the king of Hawkins he'd choke on his food right now. I want to tell him so bad but I seriously can't. Oh yeah, by the way, we're in the cafeteria. Lunch is the same old slop and I'm too stuck in my head to eat. I decided to quiet the thoughts by putting on some headphones and actually eat my food. I was way too occupied with my song and chewing, that I didn't see Eddie leave. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turn my head to see a jock smiling down at me. I swallow my food and take of my headphones.
"Hands off." I defend and jump out of my seat, shaking his hands off of me. He laughs and places another hand on my waist. He's getting way too close and personal. I see Tommy h laughing beside them, as if this is a joke.
"Fuck off." I shout and push his hand away. Instead he just gets closer along with his friend beside me, which traps me in place. I know these assholes, they were with Billy at the diner. Maybe they noticed us catch glances between each other. Fuck these nasty guys. I realize Eddie isn't anywhere to be seen and I could really use him right now. I think it's the fact that this was completely unexpected because I usually fight back. I felt completely worthless right now. Probably because these dirty jocks think they can touch me, that's making me feel useless. I try my best to slap their hands off of me but they continue to close themselves in on me.
"Enough!" I hear a deep voice shout and I gasp as one of the guys is thrown off of me and onto the ground.
The other tried to pull me back, making my back press onto his stomach.
"What Billy, you with this girl or something?" One the guys says. Billy looked pissed.
"If not, we just wanted to have some fun." Another one says making me feel sick. I turn over to see Billy kicked the guy, that was on the ground, in the stomach. The guy holding me is starting to hurt me so I decide to swiftly turn and kick him in the balls. I didn't want a full fight start right now so I grab Billy and start running out of the cafeteria. I throw my bag over my shoulder and grab my headphones quickly.
I didn't let go of Billy's hand until I found an empty room. I accidentally pushed Billy into the wall next to the door. I urgently turned off the light as we made it in a room. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I haven't been scared like this in awhile. I give way more of a hard shell vibe off than I really have deep down. Plus some men disgust me and can easily make me feel weak. I saw the boys run across the hallway as I peered out of the small window on the door. My heart was pounding and I gulped loudly. I also didn't want any teachers seeing this whole thing. Just two years left of high school, I really don't want any issues. I tried to catch my breath and calm down, I didn't realize I had a clump of Billy's shirt in my hand.
"Sorry." I huff out and let go of him. I step back and sigh. The room was dark but we could still see each other's faces because of the windows on the opposite side of the room.
"Danny. You okay?" Billy interrupted the silence and I couldn't say anything at first. My crush on him grew when he gave me that nickname. It's just the way he says it, makes me love it. No one calls me that.
"Yeah, now." I inhale and exhale and lean on the wall next to him. God I feel like a loser.
"Thanks." I let out and close my eyes for a moment. I can't believe I'm here right now. Billy just stood up for me. I thought we'd be to chicken shit to finally talk to each other. He obviously has to like me the way I like him since he stood up for me, right? I open my eyes and turn my face to the side to look at him. I catch him already looking at me.
"I'm sorry about those guys." He breaks the silence and I look at him.
"You are?" I ask. Didn't mean to sound rude.
"Yeah I can't help but think it's my fault." He answers me and I furrow my brows in confusion.
"Why would they attack me and it be your fault?" I ask another question and he hesitates, like he doesn't want to tell me.
"They're picking on you because I like you." He answers me before he deeply sighs. I almost want to laugh.
"You like me? And what do they know?" I respond and he shrugs.
"They caught me staring at you, many times." He answers in defeat almost like he's embarrassed. I shake my head in understanding. I can't help but stare at him. I knew I wasn't going crazy. We lean in as we feel the tension between us. It's so thick, making the air feel hot. I stop myself and realize this is fucking Billy Hargrove. I let out a sigh and dropped my head down.
"What?" He asks and I shake my head.
"You're Billy Hargrove, the king who always has a babe around his arm." I reply as I look in front of me, not making eye contact with him. He takes a moment to respond, maybe I said the wrong thing but I know I'm right. I giggle at myself, I can't believe we almost kissed. He sighed again.
"Yeah I am but you make me feel differently." That's all he said and somehow it was enough. I didn't want to be some stupid girl who takes everything near dear and to heart. I had to be smart.
"How many girls have heard that?" I scuff and he smirks. My confidence only grew, knowing I have to do this for myself. No matter how much I liked this feeling at the pit of my stomach, I need to be careful.
"Many but I lied." God what do I believe?
"Look I don't know what's been going on. I see you everywhere I go. We're always looking at each other and probably trying to find each other everywhere to huh?" He pauses, yup he's not wrong at all. "Fuck I mean, you do things to me no other girl has. I've barely ever talked to you but there's potential here. I can feel it and I know you can to." He finishes and I didn't leave his eyes the entire time. He was right by every single word.
"You may be completely right by every word but I don't want to get fucked over anymore than I have already." I defend myself and hesitate to leave the room. Billy stops me and grabs my wrist. I was scared at first but he was gentle.
"You're not like those bitches out there, I can tell. They did everything they could to sleep with me just for popularity." He says, still holding my wrist. I almost feel empathy for him.
"You can only prove it to me. That you're different and this isn't a game." I reply with pleading eyes.
"I'll prove it to you. I want you." Is all he says and I'm fully in. I believe him which worries me but god it feels good. I give him a small smile and he lets me leave. I walk down the empty halls. I decide to head to english, might as well. Right as I make it to the door, the bell rang. I hurried to my seat and thought to myself. What actually just happened? I didn't expect any of this to go down today. Everyone filled the classroom. My eyes were glued to that door, waiting for Billy. I felt stupid but I couldn't help it. He walked into with a smirk stuck on his face and I knew it was because of me. His eyes didn't leave mine as he sat at his desk and I couldn't help but smirk as well. I wiped my face with my hands in disbelief that all of this was happening. I shake my head at myself. I need to relax, sure Billy wants me and my dreams are coming true but nothing has actually happened yet. I try to contain myself and listen to the teacher start the class. She was writing her whole lesson on the chalkboard. I turned my attention back to Billy's desk to not find him there, instead he was behind me trying to switch seats. Pretty much forcing the person in the desk behind me to move to his. I smirk and turn back straight forward. What is he doing? Suddenly, I feel his hands roam around on my shoulders. He's gently rubbing them, it actually feels amazing. Everyone knows I don't give a shit about other people and even if I did, I'm too distracted at this moment. I close my eyes in relaxation as he continues. Then he makes his way up caressing my neck and jaw, aligning his fingers on the edges of my face. I know this is odd but I feel comfortable. It's kind of hot actually. Is he trying to turn me on? I turn my head around to look at him. Of course his face is grinning with his devilish smirk.
"You trying to turn me on?" I whisper closely to him. I don't care who sees us.
"Is it working?" He winks as he edges his way forward. I face in front of me again, not wanting the teacher to break this magical moment. She won't be anyways because she's still going at it with her chalk. I feel Billy move one of his hands to my chin and tilts it sideways. I look at him and notice him stare at my lips.
"This isn't exactly what I meant when I said prove yourself to me, you know?" I whisper and he smirks.
"I'm just having some fun." He replies and I roll my eyes. He removes his hand from my chin but I leave my head in the same position.
"Fun, it's all you want huh?" I say and turn my body back to face the board. The teacher finally got done writing her lesson on the board. As she discussed the lesson I took notes in my notebook. I felt a piece of paper fall from my shoulder to my lap. I made sure the teacher didn't notice before I read it.
--if you're fun then yes that's all I want but fun isn't the only thing I want- Billy--
Jeez boys really have a way with words. How do I write me rolling my eyes? I decide to put the action itself on the note and give it back to him.
-"Margo rolls her eyes" -
I hear Billy scoff which makes me hide my own laugh.
"Come on babe." Billy whispers in my ear. I can't help but smirk. I hide it and keep myself in my place. I like this. All these girls throw themselves on him and now he has to actually try for a girl. He left me alone for the rest of the class. I felt him close to me as I exited the room. I wasn't just leading him on, he still needs to prove himself to me and I really hope he does too. I ignore his presence and walk down the hallway, trying to get away from him.
"Danny!" Billy yells, in a non aggressive way. I turn around with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me. After staring for a second I decide to wink at him and move on. He's proving it.

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