the truth

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Margos POV

I had another great Saturday with Eddie. After having the perfect date last night, I wanted to continue the good times. Even though I spent the day with Eddie and it was fun, I still missed Billy. I wasn't sure when he'll come over because he just said 'tonight'. After Eddie dropped me back off at my house I decided to clean up the place. I even set the table. I thought it would be nice to make a meal for Billy and I. I've been wanting to do something special for him since he did for me. I was playing with my ring, gazing at it. It's so beautiful. Everytime I see it I think of Billy. I smile at myself and go back to cleaning up.


I didn't want to simply wait on Billy since I wasn't sure when he'd come by so I did whatever I could to let time go by. I called Robin and talked for awhile. I finished cleaning everything I could. I even started making dinner for us. Alfredo chicken is such a good easy meal to make. The sauce spelt so good. I danced around the kitchen singing weak by swv. I couldn't help but relate to the lyrics. Its the same song I sang at the winter dance, where Billy and I had our first encounter. We were so different then. So was max, she's really grown up since then.


Hours went by and no sign of Billy. I ate my dinner late. I felt bad for eating it but I couldn't wait. I even had to reheat it on the stove cause I waited too long. Part of me felt worried but another told me to not worry. It was after 8 now. I figured I'd keep waiting, maybe he'll just show up later. I just hope his dad doesn't have anything to do with this. Suddenly, the phone began to ring. I turned off the TV and ran to the phone, next to the kitchen.
"Margo here." I say.
"Danny?" I hear billys voice though the phone. He sounded maybe scared? He definitely sounded like something was wrong.
"Billy are you okay?" I ask and hear nothing. Then the phone call ends. I get confused and try to call the number again but nothing happens. I wait there for a moment to think. What could have happened? I didn't want to worry but something told me to. I decide to call max, so I dial her house number. No one picked up. I didn't know what to do, I felt helpless. If everything's okay then I'm just acting dumb. Maybe everything is fine. I'll have to go to his house tomorrow and see what's up. I can't worry, if it's for no reason than it's pointless.

Next morning

I tossed and turned all night. I slept but it wasn't enough. I was eager to get up as soon as the sun was up. I decided to eat breakfast to let some time go by. Then, I headed to max and billys house. Billys car wasn't in the driveway. I knocked on the door and max opened it. Thank god too.
"Oh Margo." She said and smiled at me.
"Hey, have you seen billy? He was supposed to come over last night." I immediately say.
"What did he do?" She asks me and I chuckle a bit.
"No, no, he didn't do anything. He just called me last night and then hung up, which worried me. He also said he'd come over last night and didnt." I answer her and she shrugs. I see someone come from behind her. Oh I notice this girl, it's El. I saw her at the mall the other day when I was hanging with Robin. Her and max were hanging out together.
"Oh, this is El. El this is billys girlfriend, Margo." Max introduced us.
"Hi, I saw you at the mall." I say and she nods.
"You're with billy?" She asks me and I nod yes.
"We need to tell you something." Max says, and they glance at each other. I get worried.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Just come inside." Max said and pulled me by the arm to go inside. They rush us all into the bathroom. Max pointed at the tub filled with water and ice bags. Then held up the lifeguard pack.
"What?" I ask her and then she shows me the bloody whistle. I'm so confused.
"What happened?" I asked them.
"First I have to tell you the backstory and then we can find out what happened, okay?" Max says. I'm so confused so I just nod yes. I don't know what happening but I need to know. Max told me about El having powers. She said that there is an upside down world, like another dimension filled with creatures. They tried to kill will and have killed many other people. Everything was hard to process. I just listened to them.
"Do you have like proof or anything?" I ask them.
"Well we can easily show you El's powers but no we don't have physical proof. I said the same thing when I found out." She replied.
"When did you find out?" I asked her.
"Last year, before you and billy got together." She answered me and I nodded. My heads hurting from all this information. Is it true? Creatures, monsters and another dimension. I kept thinking back to dnd. Eddie's made me play before. I never really got into it but I definitely understood the game.
"Look, I know it's a lot to handle but can you just trust us. Let's try to go to the pool." Max says and I nod. I guess we're trying to find Billy. I don't know what else to say, it's best to just go with them. It started raining, thank god I had billys Jean jacket with me. I pulled it on and followed the girls out.
"I only have one bike." Max said and I sighed.
"I'll try to skate there." I state and she nods. We all head off to the pool.

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