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Billy's POV

I wanted tonight to be a good night with Danny. I prefer to call her by her last name because I'm the only one calling her that, she seems to like it as well. I can easily show her off tonight, everyone will know she's mine. I want to show her how she's different. I've never expected me to be in a real relationship but for her I want to try. She actually cares for me. It took a lot for me to go to her house last night. She's the only one I wanted to see despite my issues. I normally run off to a random park and sleep in my car. This time I just ran to her house, not wanting to drive or sit somewhere. I don't regret anything last night. Definitely feeling a little cocky tonight. Picking up my babe whose gonna be looking hot, as am I. Feeling great. I eagerly knock on Danny's door, ready to see what she's wearing. She opens the door and I cant help but gaze at her appearance. Her hair is slightly curled, she's wearing heels that make her as tall as me and her black spaghetti strap dress is tight and short. She looks gorgeous.
"Wow." I mutter and add on. "Aren't you gonna be cold?" Stupid question but I mean she will be.
"Well what's your jacket for?" She asks me, making me chuckle. Thank god I left my denim jacket in my car.

"You look pretty hot too

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"You look pretty hot too." She smirks at me before she walks out to lock her door. I make sure to guide her to my car and open the door for her. I've never wanted to do that for anyone. I could tell she was surprised by the action but grateful. I got in my seat and grabbed the jacket from the back and placed it in her lap.

It's obvious people know we're together. I mean we kissed in a classroom in front of many people, which was my point exactly. This whole week we've been super close. It's really nice to get away from Tommy and his girl, they're heavy on the PDA. Which I understand, don't get me wrong but me witnessing it constantly gets sickening. Walking in with Margo beside me felt great. It wasn't power or faked, it was real. We care for each other. We can't be the only ones who see or feel the tension between each other. I made sure Margo was by my side, I want to have fun with her. Tonight I'm here with her and only her. I pour us a mixture of two drinks and hand one to Margo. She winks at me and downs the drink. Damn she's hot. I love her confidence. She carried herself well and knows what she wants. She also doesn't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks and I love that. I don't either. Suddenly, she sets our cups down and pulls me into the dance floor. I can tell she's in a dancing mood, and I can't blame her. The air is hot due to all the sweaty people around us. Yet it still feels amazing to dance and hear the loud music echo through our ears. I snake my hands around her waist to bring her closer to me. She invites me in by wrapping her arms around my neck. We smile at each other and continue to sway our bodies. I can't help it so I kiss her roughly.
"You want to come over tonight?" Margo shouts close in my ear after we release our kiss.
"Please." I reply happily and she smirks at me. We keep our faces close and never stop dancing. She makes it hard for me to not smirk back.

Eddie came to the party before we left. Margo was talking to him forever. I let them have their time. It was hard for me to not pull the jealous boyfriend act but that would put me up against someone that's known her way longer than I have. I need to trust and respect her like she will to me. I'm working on my intrusive thoughts and anger. Thanks to my dad it's tough to keep it under wraps. I was also eager to have her tonight. I've wanted her all week but I completely understand waiting when it's right. Especially with the right person. I haven't even had that conversation with her. I don't think she's a virgin but you never know. We all know I'm not. I couldn't help but over think on the ride back to her house. She was a little tipsy but still herself. I stopped at my first drink due to me driving. I also would've definitely fought Eddie if I had drank more.
"Watcha thinking about?" Margo breaks the silence and I gaze over at her.

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