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Margos POV

"He looks normal to me." Max says and I scoff. We're spying on Billy, whose currently working at the pool.
"Normal, that's normal?" Mike asks.
"Have you ever seen him with a shirt on." Mike adds.
"I mean no but he's on plain sight. Chilling by the pool." Max replies.
"He likes it cold, he likes to hide." Will says, giving me chills.
"No, no. Max seriously. This is not Billy. I know my Billy." I say and look at Billy. He is wearing a shirt, a hat and even has a towel on his body. This is not my Billy. Mike says he has an idea and goes through the plan with the boys first. He comes back to tell us the plan. It's the only way we'll know for sure if he's the host, if he's flayed.
"I really hope it's not you. I really hope it's not you." Max says as she looks at Billy.
"Me too max." I whisper and watch him.

The plan

I wait with max at the back of the room. I believe it's an exercise area. Mike calls out billys name, trying to reel him in. I feel so worried, almost terrified. I don't know what I'm up against. Billy goes into the suana, El quickly tosses him back into it with her powers. I stand by max in the middle of the room with everyone. Billy stands up and looks through the glass window. I hold my breathe and look over at max quickly.
"Max. Margo." Billy said. He said my name again. I gaze at max and nod my head.
"Do it." Max says. Lucas turns up the heat to the suana, we have to wait now.
"Let me out of here. Let me out." Billy screams. "You kids think this is funny? You think this is some kind of sick prank, huh? Open the door!" Billy yells and says open the door many times. He continues to scream until he falls to the ground. If this wasn't hard enough, Billy lets out many sobs which makes me want to cry. I go over to the door, close beside max. We both look down at him.
"It's not my fault, max please. Danny, it's not my fault." Billy cries out. It's him.
"B." I say.
"What's not your fault Billy?" Max asked him.
"I've done things really bad things. I didn't mean to, he made me do it." Billy says.
"Who made you do it?" I ask him. Tears in my eyes, it's hard to see him like this.
"I don't know it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please." Billy cries out. I look at the group, will knows. It's true Billy is the host. He's being possessed like will was. Will survived, Billy can too.
"What did he make you do?" Max asked Billy.
"It's not my fault max please. Please believe me. I tried to stop him, I did. Danny you have to believe me." He said and locked eyes with me. I let some tears fall from my eyes. Max was sad too, she was trying her best to not cry.
"Billy it's gonna be okay." Max said.
"We're gonna help you, B." I said.
"You just have to talk to us, okay. I believe you Billy. I need you to trust us please." Max finished.
"We believe you. I love you." I sobbed out.
"Get away from the door!" Mike yelled.
"I love you Billy." I said and Mike yelled again. Billy smashed through the window. I didn't move fast enough and got my shoulder sliced. I held it and moved to the side with max.
"Let me out you bitch. I will fucking gut you!" Billy yells trying to get out. I know this isn't Billy. It still makes me sad to think someone is making him do this. Why? I hold my shoulder and cry.
"Let me out!" Billy yells again before Lucas hits him with a rock, which surprisingly knocks him down. We all run in the middle of the room. The lights begin the flicker. We all get scared and worried. We're all just kids. Just like Billy, he doesn't deserve this.
"He can't get out can he?" Max asks.
"No way." Lucas shakes his head. I hold max close to me. I know this is extremely hard for the both of us. He breaks down the door and gets out. He slowly comes out and approaches El. She uses her powers to lift a weight and make it hold him back, against the brick wall. It was so hard for me to watch this. I step back with max. I wanted to look away but I needed to be on alert. He throws the weight off of him, making El duck under it. He gets a chance and grabs her by the hair to pull her up. Then, he chokes her, up in the air. I start crying, Billy isn't this monster. Mike swiftly goes to him and beats him with a pole. My breathe hitches and I gasp. He tries to get to Mike but doesn't succeed. El stands back up and throws him out of the building. The bricks all fall down and I gasp out loudly. We all rush over to the mess and see Billy running away. I let out sobs. I wonder where Billy is? He's not dead, this is still him. Maybe he's still there, in his mind, just trapped. I feel terrible for him. Billy doesn't deserve this.


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