my billy

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Margos POV

I completely forgot about work last night after maxs plan. Thank god they were easy on me. I was worried I'd get fired. I told them I'd just come in on Saturday to make up for it, which they understood. I was too all over the place to work last night anyways. I wish Billy would just talk to me or let me talk to him, that's all I need. I think he's just afraid.
I felt like a snail on Tuesday, slowly trailing down the halls. I didn't want to eat anything or be at school. I could barely sleep, sometimes I'd watch the sunrise in the morning. Later after school, work wasn't so bad. It gave me time to do something constantly, to get the thoughts to pause. Earlier, I swear I saw Billy walk by, but then again, I could be going crazy. These days are going by too slow, it's felt so long since prom. Music was basing throughout the store, it felt nice. I decide to clean up my work station. Which is really just the cashier area, but I have my own corner of stuff. It's gotten a little cluttered, so I went through the things. I throw away some trash, move some pens and then come across a cassette tape. I wasn't thinking when I looked at it, I am in a music store for fucks sack. I turn it over to read 'to Danny from B'. I want to cry as I read that, emotions hitting me all at once. I cover my mouth and try to keep myself together. I almost got angry at myself. I pull myself back to normal and decide to listen to my music. I really did like our song. I felt different when I listen to it. I let it radiate through my ears. I sang alone and danced around. No one was here, for now. I stopped as soon as I heard the chime of the door and turned to see Robin.
"Oh you're having fun aren't you?" She yelled over the music and I smiled at her.
"I'm trying." I replied. I've already told her basically what I told Eddie. Me and Billy got into a 'fight', it was much more than that but they don't need to know that.
"Anything new with billy? " Robin asked me and I shook my head no.
"I just need to get him to talk to me. I mean it's been days." I respond, a pang of sadness pricked me.
"I think he'll come around, maybe he needs time." Robin shrugged and I almost wanted to laugh at her.
"Look at you giving relationship advice." I joked and she rolled her eyes at me.
"You're probably right." I said.


Days went by, still nothing from Billy. I did catch him at school, finally. But he still wouldn't talk to me, and I didn't want to pry too hard. I wasn't about to be that annoying puppy following him. Everything made me sad though. Even if he wasn't listening or talking to me, I swear I still felt his stare at school. Every time I looked at him, he wasnt staring but it still felt like he was. It was hard for me to look away. Felt like we we're strangers. I can't be strangers with someone I'm in love with. I need something to happen, anything.

Later that night I was at work and an idea struck. It's nothing like trapping Billy, it's just something I can easily do. I decided to call max.
"This is max." Her voice peaked over the phone. Thank god she's home.
"Hey max it's margo." I said.
"Oh hey, how's it going?" She asked.
"Could be better, I'm working right now though. How are you?" I answer her and ask her.
"Wishing Billy could stop being an ass and talk to you." She replied and I chuckled.
"Yeah me too. Will your parents be home tonight, do you know?" I asked her.
"They actually have a dinner to go to why?" Max answered, I got so happy.
"Do you know how long they'll be gone? I want to try and see Billy." I responded and she paused.
"The calendar says dinner at 7 so I'm guessing at least 2 hours." She said and I pretty much fist pumped the air.
"Yes that's perfect, thank you max." I replied, kissed the phone and hung up. Maybe that was a little eccentric but I, for once, got excited.


Of course the night I have an idea, it has to be pouring ass rain. The only good thing about the rain is that it got darker fast. It was after 7 when I arrived at their house. Even though I wasn't going through the front door I still wanted to make sure Neil wasn't home. I went over to Billy's side of the house and knocked on his window. The light was on and music was playing, I knew he was in there. I kept knocking, louder the more I did it. He finally budged and moved his curtain to the side. God it was getting cold out here from this rain. My eyes kept fluttering from the droplets, it was tough to keep them open. He looked confused and mad. I was glad to get to lock eyes with him for a moment, giving the circumstances. His face softened a bit, I could tell. He hesitantly opened the window.
"Go home Margo." He said and closed the window. My name coming out of his mouth could've easily sent me off but I need him back.
"Billy please." I shouted and started banging on his window. I never stopped, I kept going. He will open it up again.
"Why do you even care?" He asks as he opens the window again. I pause, he's finally gonna let me speak. I can say what I need to, but I waited to long.
"I seriously don't understand you. You try to get me to talk for days and now that I will you can't. What do you actually want? I don't want to hurt you or have anything happen to... " billy goes on but I interrupt him loudly.
"Because I love you Billy! I'm in love with you!" I shout and cry out. I close my eyes and look down to the ground. I'm crying but he can't tell. He didn't say anything so I finally look up. He was gone, he wasn't in his room anymore. I just cry out more and fall to the ground. My body felt numb, tired and wet. I held by face in my hands before I felt a pair of hands around my waist. I look up to see Billy helping me. He stands me back up and holds my face in his hands.
"I'm in love with you Billy don't you get that." I quickly say and he smiles at me. I can tell he's crying.
"I'm in love with you Danny." He replies before he falls into my embrace. We cling to each other.
"Thank god, don't call me by my name ever again." I say making him laugh. We started laughing together. Finally. Everythings back to normal. I have my Billy back.

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