the friends know

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Margos POV

Just like I figured the secret spread like wildfire. Honestly, who cares. People will make up the most random shit, like I just said that we'd try to be together and everyone already knows. Wanna know how I know? Despite the staring eyes and pointed fingers, Eddie caught word of it. As soon as I left english class Billy disappeared to gym class and I was on my way to biology when I was stolen. Eddie grabbed my wrist, which scared the shit out of me, and took me into the library.
"Jesus Munson are you... " I try to speak but he eagerly cuts me off.
"You're sluming it with Hargrove and you didn't tell me!" He rapidly shouts and I quickly cover his mouth, shushing him.
"Ed I swear, quiet. I am not just sluming it with Billy okay? I literally just told him we can try to be together." His eyes went wide after I said 'together'. I finally remove my hand from his face. I made sure to whisper, hoping he will too.
"How does the whole school know already? I thought you were holding out on me." He replies and I shake my head.
"It's high school what the fuck do you expect, no one to say anything?" I respond and he nods.
"You realize he uses woman right?" He adds on and I stare at him.
"The deal is that if he can prove to me that he really wants me and only me that then we will get together. This is like a trial run, okay." I quickly say and he listens. I don't think he understands but he needs to be happy for me, or at least try.
"Okay, okay. I mean you obviously have self respect and it's smart to see him out first. How's that going?" He replies and I can't help but smirk.
"It's great so far. I don't know, it's different with him." He rolls his eyes and I kind of want to too. "I know it's ridiculous, trust me, I kind of feel dumb myself but there's tension between us. If he wants me as bad as I do, I at least have to try him out." I finish and lean on the bookshelf behind me.
"Smart girl." Eddie says and I giggle.
"Can I leave now?" I ask and he laughs with me.
"Yeah, yeah just keep me updated." He responds.
"I barely see you anyways." I shout as he leaves the library.
"Margo." Robin harshly says and tosses me back into the library as I was trying to leave.
"No ones letting me leave this place." I mutter and try to to fall backwards as she guides me to the back.
"You told me you'd tell me everything about you and Billy." She says and I sigh.
"Okay, okay. Billy and I are no officially together. We weren't until we kissed in the closest, before you found us." I said and she looked all giddy.
"I knew it." She replied and smacked my arm.
"Hey, careful okay. I'll stop telling you if people keep bothering me." I exhale.
"Just don't keep me out of the loop and we'll be fine." Robin says and put my hands up in defense.
"Let me leave, please. Everyone's holding me captive here." I say and Robin throws her hands out in front of her, allowing me to leave. I give her a fake smile and leave. These people are annoying me, I'm too tired for this.

Next day
Eddie barely shows up to school lately. I mean he left early yesterday and I haven't seen him this morning. Lunch is next and I'm hoping to see him. Lo and be hold, my best friend Eddie Munson. As soon as I walk into the cafeteria I'm met with his young face.

He doesn't even notice me yet

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He doesn't even notice me yet. What a great friend. He's definitely on some stupid rampage about school, I can tell. I can't help but smile like an idiot when I see him though. He's been too busy with drug deals and ditching school. A part of me wants to run away with him like I used to but I really need to graduate. Maybe a part of him resents me for that, oh well. I get that I'm a junior but I'm still trying. I decide to circle around and grab my food before interacting with the gang. I lock eyes with Billy, as I have my tray in hand and make my way over to my table. I notice Tommy and Carol, they gladly look away from me. Hopefully they'll leave me alone, I doubt it though. I strike my attention back to Ed. He's talking to Gareth so I ignore them and sit in my seat, which of course is next to Eddie's.
"Ooh Margo finally." Eddie excitedly says and I grin at him. He makes his way around the table and hugs me tightly.
"It's been ages." He huffs out and I giggle. What a jokester.
"Yeah because your MIA." I groan in his tight hug and slap him off of me. I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face, he was too happy which reflected on me.
"Hey I'm making money and doing just fine, thanks." He replies and slams himself in his seat. I nod like I believe him and roll my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes Margo, I've heard what you have been up to." Eddie says and points his fork between me and Billy. I look over at Billy, whose staring at us. Oh god I do not need a jealous boyfriend. Eddie and I are platonic asf. I look back at Eddie whose smirking.

"What else have you heard? You can believe it all you know

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"What else have you heard? You can believe it all you know." I respond and he giggles.
"Oh I know, that's why I'm confronting you now." He replies in his deep tone. Jeez Ed's, I don't know what he's gonna think.
"I am on a trail run basis with Hargrove, yeah. We discussed that." I give into his confrontation and pick at my food.

"You better be careful, okay?" Is all he says and that's all I needed

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"You better be careful, okay?" Is all he says and that's all I needed. He could've told me the same stuff everyone else has but he knows I've already heard it all.
"Trust me, I'm a smart girl. I won't let him hurt me." I respond confidentally, using his words against him. Eddie leaves it at that. Thank god too, see Eddie trusts me. He better, we've been friends for so long, we're practically siblings. I'm glad the other boys didn't interfere with our conversation cause I'd end their side quick.
"Ed's, we have to hangout soon. We never do anymore." I beg him with a pout lip as he munches away.
"Yes dear, we will. Not tonight, I have a couple of deliveries to make. Tomorrow though?" He asks me and I better take this opportunity when I can.
"Aw, you can free your calendar for me?" I joke and he fake smiles.
"Yes loser we'll hang tomorrow." I respond as I smack his shoulder and his grin appears again.


I didn't see Billy too much this afternoon. God was I ready to leave, the day felt too long. I made my way out of the school quickly as soon as the last bell rang. I dropped my skateboard on the road and started to make my way home. Not long after Billy made his way beside me, him and max sitting in his car.
"You really think I'd let you skate home, get in." Billy smirked at me. Even though he kind of commanded me, it was sweet.
"Thank you." I replied as I got into the passenger seat. Max moved to the back for me. I made sure to fist bump her. Billy gave me a quick kiss to the cheek before he made his way to my house.
"I love this." Max spoke up and I furrowed my brows at her comment.
"What?" I asked her, the grin on her face only growing.
"You two together." I gave her a smile back. Billy dropped me off at my house. Sometimes I wish to see Billy more after school but I know his dad would hurt him if he wasn't on time and didn't watch over max. I made sure to kiss him goodbye and tell max bye too.

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