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Margos POV

I stopped by maxs house after the funeral. Neil wasn't home and I got in through Billy's window which was open. It was hard to be in his room without him. I just wanted to take anything I could before Neil throws it all out. There's no doubt in my mind that Neil would get rid of any piece of Billy now that he's gone. I sat on his bed and gazed around at everything. I've spent less time here with him than any where else. That's what made his own area personal to me. I get up and look through his music. Then I found a marbolo pack and stole it. I snaked a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. I looked in his mirror and saw myself. I tear left my eye, slowly dropping down my cheek. I took a deep breathe, inhaling a puff from my cigarette. I turned over to his desk and viewed the picture of him and his mother. Realization struck me. He won't get to go to California. We won't graduate together. I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt helpless. Instantly, Neil slammed billys door open which frightened me. This was completely unexpected, he surprised me for sure.
"The hell are you doing here?" He asked me, I quickly put out my cigarette. He looked like a complete wreck, I related to that.
"Not in here!" I shouted and pushed him into the hallway. He stepped back and we made it to the kitchen. I was pissed. He can't hurt Billy anymore.
"You hurt Billy to many times. You can't hurt him anymore! Why? Huh? You're a terrible father! I don't know who you think you are. You hit people who defy you, maybe you're the one who needs to get hit!" I shouted at him and punched him in the face. He was taken back. Part of me witnessed how fucked up he actually was. Tears dried his face. Maybe he actually cared and felt bad for billys death, good.
"Fuck this shit. I'm leaving anyways." He huffed and ran out of the house. I watched him leave, but as soon as I looked at the front door, I saw max and Susan standing there. I didn't even feel bad that they had to see that. I just had a chance to get out all of my anger, it needed to happen. He slammed his truck door and sped away.
"We had a big argument last night sweetie. Don't blame yourself for him leaving." Susan said and hugged me. I know she was just trying to make me feel better but if I was the reason why he left then I'd be okay. Billys death was the reason why he's gone, I was just a swift kick to push him out. It felt good to get to do that. I yelled at him for Billy. It's for the best that he's not here. I hugged max and decided to leave. I didn't want to cause any problems or show my sadness in front of them.

Vote and comment for the sequel! I'm currently writing it 11/18/23! 💕

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