the fourth

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Margos POV

I went back to the wheelers the next morning. I threw on my white crop top and short overalls. Of course, I barely slept. Maybe I should just stay with max, it sounds like my best option anyways. I listened to this kids as max and Mike were arguing over El. I stayed by max, agreeing with her. He unexpectedly blew up on us telling us he loved her. I genuinely smiled at his actions. I completely get how he feels. Everyone was shocked. Then El came out, we acted like nothing happened. El said she found Billy, I was immediately intrigued. She said he's been sitting in his room, on his bed, just there. Definitely odd. The flayer must be waiting for something. We were supposed to have plans for the fourth of July, sadly that's not going to happen. Sadness crept up on me once again. El says Billy knows everything, so she's going to try and see him through their minds. It's risky but I understand what she's trying to do. I trust that she can try and hopefully succeed. Mike isn't too happy, he's scared she'll get hurt which is sweet. We all Intentivly watch El, and wait for any news. She starts hyperventilating and I get worried. All we can do is wait. She answers Mike and says she's okay. El says she's on a beach. I immediately know it's California. I feel sad, is Billy taking her there? I'm so curious what El can see. He took her to a memory, that's what max says anyways. It makes since. Then, El says she can see a source. I'm not sure what she means but I'm guessing it'll answer more of our questions. She finally finds the spot we've been looking for. It's brimborn steelworks. We tell El to get out of her trance but she doesn't. She seems, I don't know, stuck. After Mike constantly tries to get her out of her head, she finally comes back. She screams no so loud. I was scared for her and what she might have seen. Turns out 'billy' but more like the flayer, got in her head. Told her hes building and army for El, to end her. And that they'd end everyone, and need to stay in this world. I'm guessing they're trying to overtake us. Nancy swore she heard something so we all went silent. I only heard fireworks. But she thinks he found out where we are, so they're coming for us. Then, will was felt the activation, which made it true. That thing is coming for us, now. God did I feel useless. Sure El has powers but she's one person. We got prepared for the worst. Gathered weapons and barricaded the doors and windows. I took a wood piece I randomly found, just in case I'd need a weapon. It came in quickly and Jonathan tried to fight it off. Nancy even blew off a few bullets in it. Didn't expect that badassness from her. Then El finally used her powers and got it to go away. But of course that wasn't over. She couldn't hold it off for long. It kept coming in different parts of the house. Then it pulled El up to the roof by her leg. We all held her, trying to get it off of her while Nancy shot it. Lucas and I beat another one of it's arm, cutting it off. Then, it finally dropped El. She did not look okay, especially after Mike ripped apart it's hand out of her leg. That must've hurt like a bitch. God this girl is strong. She tore the head of the monster, giving us a chance to leave. We all rushed into Jonathans car, helping El. The adrenaline felt weird and oddly good. This is insane, is this my life now?


We ran away from that monster and went to a grocery store. It's closed due to the holiday. We needed to help El with her wound. Max took the lead, I helped as well. We both understood getting hurt from skating. I smiled at max witnessing how smart she is. She surprised Nancy, telling her how to clean the wound currently. Then, I followed max after she went to find the boys. Lucas was going on and on about fireworks. I crossed my arms and watched them.
"El's getting weak max. They're right, anything can help." I say after max says
how she thinks we can make El kill the monster. She rolls her eyes and leaves the guys.
"Max hey." I stop her and try to talk to her but she interuppts me.
"Look, I'm sorry I've been so mean lately. I didn't want billy to be the one that was flayed but he is. And I'm really sorry. I know you're not okay from it all, I can tell. I know this is all a lot to take in." She says and I smile at her. I urgently hug her.
"Thank you. I'm definitely not okay. We just need to save billy." I reply and let go of her.
"And we will." She grins. We make our way back to Mike, whose yelling at a walkie talkie. Apparently Dustin, one of their friends, were on the other line but it went away or something. So El decided to do her inner mind thing and search for Dustin. After the boys discussed the 'new coke' which I chimed in and said it is terrible, she found him. He was at the movies, in the mall, we're not sure why though. Mike said he heard Dustin say gate so he's thinking it's still open. Which would make since given the fact that all this flaying is going on. We gathered everything in the car and headed to the mall.

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