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I woke up from the best sleep I've had in a while. I felt so good and quickly realized why. Billy slept over and was still currently under my embrace. He was warm, I didn't want to get up. I lift my head enough to see his face. He's still fast asleep. I move my body slightly from being uncomfortable and his eyes flutter open. His blue eyes we're beautiful in the morning and his facial expression were soft. He looked down at me and gave me a sweet smile.
"Mornin'." Billy spoke up and I sat up to stretch. Wow, his morning voice is attractive too. I ended up yawning morning back. I laid back on the bed, beside Billy and sighed.
"I gotta hang out with Eddie today, what are your plans?" I ask Billy and face him as I lay on my side.
"Are you and Eddie like friends?" He asks, completely ignoring my question in the first place.
"Yes Billy, he's my best friend. I know what you're going to say and no. We've never done anything or will ever do anything. We're platonic as fuck no matter what people say. I promise. Neither of us think of each other in any way other than friends. We're practically siblings. " I finish and sigh out. Billy nods and says nothing, whatever.
"You gonna answer my question?" I ask and he thinks for a moment.
"I should probably get back so I don't get in more trouble. There's a party at Tina's tonight and I'd love to take you." He replies and smirks at me. Good way of showing me off and claiming me, I like it.
"Deal." I shake his hand and chuckle.
"You sure you don't want some breakfast or something?" I ask as he stands up off the bed. I sit in my place and watch him stretch.
"No it's alright, thanks though." He responds and leans down to kiss me. It was quick and nice.
"Make sure you go through the door though." I joke and he rolls his eyes at me. He's gotta stop, it's attractive. I get up and grab his hand to guide him out. I realized he hasn't even seen the rest of my house so he was eyeing the place as we made it to the front door. I made sure to make him put on the shirt I gave him last night, that he wouldn't wear. I also gave him his wet clothes back, in a bag.

"I'll pick you up at eight doll

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"I'll pick you up at eight doll." Billy says in his devilish voice and I gawk at him.
"Yes you will." I reply and kiss him goodbye. I'll have the whole day with Eddie so he better let me off the hook for later tonight. It's only ten am, so Ed's definitely not awake. I don't even know what we'll be doing today. Casual smoke and chill, movies and food or fuck around and find out? Ha, who knows.

I got so bored waiting around for Eddie. I ate breakfast, did chores and did whatever I could forever thinking he'd call. He must still be asleep. Fuck it I'm going to his trailer. I throw together a small bag of my stuff like headphones and cigarettes. I change into holey jeans, my white converse and a long sleeve band t. I leave my hair down and toss on some jewelry before heading out. The ride to Eddie's on my skate board was nice and chilly. It was the perfect amount of cool today. My face definitely got red kissed from the wind. I don't even bother to knock, I haven't in so long. Wayne is out working, I know cause his truck is gone. Eddie's van, of course, is out in the front so might as well go in. I always knock on his bedroom door, don't worry. Which I find him slumped off his ass, sprung out across the bed. I roll my eyes and throw my board down on the ground. Which shockingly, doesn't wake him up. Ugh can this kid be anymore annoying?
See what I mean, he's pretty much my brother but I love him to death.
"Ed's!" I shout out which jults him right up. I scared the shit out of him, making me laugh.
"Jesus Christ Mar!" Eddie shouts back and slowly lays back on the bed.
"You wanted to hangout buddy, I got a party to be at by eight." I reply as I sit next to him on his bed.
"What with your preppy boytoy." Eddie murmurs. Um I take offence.
"Excuse me, he's not preppy. He can be an ass but he's hot and a partial jock." I respond and he rolls his eyes.
"It's a party, we go randomly too." I add on and he nods.
"A party does sound fun." He states and I agree, sounds nice indeed.
"Exactly, and you can go if you want but not with me, B's picking me up." I say as I stand up.
"Wow already on nickname basis." Eddie jokes with his hands up and I shove him back onto the bed.
"Put some clothes on and maybe shower." I mess with him, closing my nose with my two fingers and leave the room.

After too long, Eddie finally got ready and we started our day. We decided to eat lunch at the local diner, our normal spot. Then we hot boxed in his van near a park. It was a great bounding best friend day. When we got back to his trailer we had the munchies bad. Eddie cracked me up as he shoved food in his face.

-I feel like this is too short

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-I feel like this is too short...

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