eddie the best friend

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Eddie's POV

I never expected to see Margo on the side of a road at 1 in the morning. I couldn't help but feel so worried for her. I mean what the hell could have happened? All my brain did was think over and over again about the possibilities. Did Billy hurt her? Did he cheat on her like her ex? Did he break up with her? Is this even about Billy? It has to be, it was prom night. She went to prom with him. What did he do? I made sure to care for her, someone had too. She needed me. After her shower, I cleaned her cut knee. She won't tell me the whole story. Maybe I haven't exactly asked too much because she needs to tell me on her own. I don't want to pry and make her cry anymore. She finally stopped before falling asleep last night. I've barely slept, I've been thinking too much. Because of the lack of sleep, I decided to plan out our day. I want to spend the whole Saturday with her, if she'll let me. I miss my Margo, my best friend. I've been too caught up with selling at partys and my campaigns, that I haven't seen her much. I laid out some clothes for her to wear, her favorite outfit. Black jeans, red converse and her red plaid long sleeve. It's a simple outfit that she feels most comfortable in.
"Morning sleepyhead." I say to Margo as she walks down the stairs. She doesn't look too good. Her black makeup is ruined around her eyes. She must've been too tired to wash her face last night. She waves me hello and makes her way into the restroom. She'll see her face, for sure.
"I planned the day for us to spend together." I say as she comes out of the bathroom.
"What do you want to do." She quietly says. Her voice still hazy from crying and tiredness.
"First, diner. Second, smoke spot. Third, movies. Fourth, whatever the fuck you want." I joke with her and she gives me a fake smile before slumping down on the couch beside me. I mess her hair up and she gives me a sibling mean look. I'm making her crack slowly, its working.
"You want to talk about anything?" I ask, trying to get anything I can out of her. She just shakes her head no and looks down at her hands.
"Okay well, I hope your hungry, cause I'm starving. Diner time." I jump up and bring her with me, making her giggle unexpectedly. I can see her face is still sad, deep down she will be. As long as I can get her mind off of whatever happened for a while, everything will be okay. She'll end up talking to me.


Margos POV

How am I supposed to tell my best friend that Billy's dad is abusive? Oh yeah Eddie sorry Billy's dad slapped me, then kicked Billy down in front of me last night. So yeah I ran off because Billy told me too and ended up crying and tripping over myself. But thank god you found me cause I might as well been road kill. Right? I mean there's no way I can say it that sounds okay. Eddie has been trying to help me though, and I can tell. I'll always appreciate Eddie. Despite the reasoning, being here with him is what I've been needing. Being here at this diner with my best friend will always be my favorite thing to do. This breakfast was so good too. I don't know if its from the drowsiness or crying but I was so hungry. I even stole some of Eddie's hashbrowns. He didn't care though, he wasn't going to argue with a sad girl now. I'll find something to tell Eddie, he deserves answers. Maybe I'll keep it short and simple, right?
"We just got into a fight. I ran home but fell. I was upset." I quietly and quickly. Eddie shook his head. We continued eating. I'm glad he didn't pry.

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