maxs plan

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Max's POV

I called Margo and told her my plan, it's gotta work. I hope so anyways, she makes Billy better. I actually like having him around. She must've found the good side of him because he would show it more because of her. He hasn't been mean to me or anything. He might now that they're split up but I'll do anything to get them back together. I could see how worried Mar was. That's just what Billy does though, he pushes people away when they see his weak side. Margo should be here soon, I should get Billy. Whose been sulking in his room by the way.

Margos POV

Max's idea sounded easy to me but I'll do anything at this point. I made it to their house from my skateboard. I hid under an old broken down car that was in their driveway and waited for the plan to begin. Billy angrily got out of the house followed by Max.
"I swear if you any later than 8 I'm leaving you there." Billy shouted at Max before he slammed his car door after he got in. Swiftly, Max kneeled down faking that she was picking something up. So I kneeled down, running towards the car and got into the passenger seat. I caught Billy off guard and max barricaded the door. The plan seemed to be working but everything happened so fast, too fast. I tried locking us in, but of course that wasn't enough. Billy angrily open his door, knocking over Max and her attempted barricade and ran inside. I barely even got to see him, I didn't even get to talk to him. Why is he shutting me out. I got out of his car and started hyperventilating/crying. I felt useless.
"Thanks max for trying." I apologetically said before I rushed off home. I couldn't take this feeling. He doesn't know how I feel.

Max's POV

I felt like a complete idiot. My plan failed. Margo was sad again and I just made Billy more angry. I saw a glimpse of Billy's expression when she got in the car. He wanted to talk, he wanted her but he couldn't get past his thoughts. He's pushing her away but I know it's eating at him. I push people away too, it's what I do. We have that in common. I'll have to get him back with Margo another way.

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