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Billys POV

I woke up witnessing Danny was on my chest. I remembered our perfect date and amazing time last night. She was so warm, I could stay like this forever. Sadly, I have to work today. I look over at the clock and realize the pool will open in an hour. I groan and feel Danny moving. I rub her exposed back and brush some hair out of her face. She slightly rolls over and looks at my face. She smiles at me and yawns before she pulls the blanket over her naked body.
"Mornin beautiful." I say and turn on my side to face her. She just smiles and closes her eyes again. Still tired from our long night I see.
"I have to work in an hour." I say making Danny groan. She flexes her arms out and pulls me close to her.
"No." She sighs and I chuckle.
"Come with me." I say. She finally let's me go and opens her eyes. Then, she sits up, I follow her.
"I might go later, I was thinking about hanging out Eddie today." She replies.
"Okay, will you be back here tonight?" I ask her and she nods.
"Well then I'll see you again tonight." I respond and kiss her forehead before getting up. I do my morning routine and head back in Danny's room. She just finished changing into her outfit for the day. I admired her as she put on her red lipstick. She was sitting at her small vanity. She finally noticed me and her red lips perked into a grin.
"What?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Just looking at my girl." I replied before I gave her a peck on the lips.
"I'm going to go home and grab my stuff then head to work." I say and grab my jacket. Danny stands up and walks me down the steps, to the front door.
"I love you B." She says and kisses me deeply. I hold onto her waist and pull her close to me. She let's go but stays close to my face.
"I'll see you later danny." I say, knowing she doesn't want me to go.
"I know, I know." She replies. I let her go and head to my car. I notice her waiting for me to leave. She looks adorable standing there at her door. She's giving me these cute puppy dog eyes. She finally waved me goodbye as I left her driveway.


I finished the long day of work. Today was boring, despite being with Danny this morning. Instead of yelling at kids to stop running all day, nothing happened. Sadly, I didn't see Danny either. I know she said she might come by but I still looked around for her every once in a while. I couldn't wait to see her tonight though. I decided to grab her some flowers as well. I wasn't planning on doing anything crazy tonight, I just want to spend time with her. So, I'm currently driving down this dark road headed to my girl. I blasted my music loud. I looked into the rear mirror and smiled at myself. I've been so happy with my Danny, I never expected be in love with someone. I never thought I was capable of being in love, or someone loving me. Out of nowhere, something hits my car making me swerve. I hit my car and see that my winsheild is broken. What the fuck happened? Shit, I hit my head. I get out to check my car and see it's fucked on the side. I must've hit the tree. Damn this car. I notice some kind of weird slim on my winsheild. Suddenly, I hear a loud screeching noise.
"Whose there?" I yell. It's pitch black, I can't see shit.
"Hey, I said, whose there?" I shout again and suddenly get pulled from my feet, onto the ground. Some things pulling me. I try my best to fight back but it's too strong. I hold onto the edge of some door until I fully get tugged into some place. Something attached itself to me and held me down. I don't know what's happening but it's fast. I'm suddenly let go so I run as fast as I can out of this abandoned place. I don't know what is trying to get me but I need to get out of here. I hurry into my car, I see a phone booth on the way. I decided I need to call Danny, I don't know what's happening.
"Margo here." I hear my girl say.
"Danny." I say but don't hear anything back. I say her name again but the dial tone came on. I put the phone up and walked outside. I saw fog everywhere, I swear I can here people, or something.
"What do you want? I said what do you want?" I yell and raise my voice higher at the end. I unexpectedly see myself before me. What the fuck?
"To build, I want you to build." The thing says.
"To build what?" I ask, curious.
"What you see." The thing answers me.
"I don't understand." I reply. What is happening!? Then the fog goes away and all I see is the road before me.
"I don't understand! What do you mean, I don't understand!?" I yell again. I'm insanely confused.


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