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n a small office somewhere in America, a man in his early thirties, sharply dressed and with a stern expression, directed his attention to the two individuals before him

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n a small office somewhere in America, a man in his early thirties, sharply dressed and with a stern expression, directed his attention to the two individuals before him. "Did they find anything about who destroyed their warehouse?" he inquired.

One of the men responded, "Nothing so far."

Another added, "Who could have possibly destroyed it?"

The man leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. "We're not entirely sure. It might have been some small-time mafia trying to provoke the Bangtan Mafia. After all, the Bangtan Mafia's influence is widespread across Asia."

Another man in the room voiced her skepticism. "I highly doubt it was a mere joke. The Bangtan Mafia didn't attain their power by underestimating their enemies. Whoever targeted their warehouse must have a calculated motive."

The leader of the group turned his attention to a different matter. "What about the information on 'The Merciless Satan'?"

One of the associates responded, "All we've gathered is that he reigns as the king of the Bangtan Mafia. His reputation precedes him – they call him merciless for a reason."

The man in his late 20s chimed in, "The Merciless Satan... That name alone sends shivers down the spines of those who know about him. What else do we have on him?"

The response was less than satisfying. "Very little, I'm afraid."

The leader contemplated the situation. "The Merciless Satan... He's incredibly secretive, always working from the shadows without leaving a trace."

One of the men added, "Exactly, it's like he controls everything without anyone noticing."

Another voice joined the discussion. "We need to gather more information on him, understand his moves and weaknesses if we're going to take on the Bangtan Mafia."

The leader weighed the risks carefully. "It's risky, though. He's known for being ruthless and clever."

His associate emphasised caution. "We have to be smart about this. Assemble a team skilled in gathering intel, and let's proceed cautiously. Our game is just beginning."

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