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                                                   Jeon Jennie

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                                                   Jeon Jennie

The following day found us nestled in the quiet comfort of a café, away from the city's hustle and bustle. The rich fragrance of freshly ground coffee beans swirled in the air, creating an ambiance that felt both warm and inviting.

Taehyung awaited my arrival, seated at our preferred corner table. A grin illuminated his face as he rose to greet me with a friendly hug.

"Hey, Jennie. You look amazing, as always," he complimented, a charming grin playing on his lips.

I couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a slight blush tinge my cheeks. "Thank you, Taehyung. You're not looking too shabby yourself."

Our conversation unfolded in the familiar pattern of playful banter and genuine exchanges. Sipping our coffee, Taehyung guided the discussion toward lighthearted topics, sharing anecdotes and cracking jokes that never failed to elicit laughter.

In the midst of our easy camaraderie, I couldn't ignore the stark contrast between Taehyung's world and the corporate realm I navigated daily. His presence brought spontaneity and adventure, a refreshing departure from the structured and often stressful nature of my routine.

As our conversation flowed, I sensed a warmth in Taehyung's gaze that hinted at something beyond mere friendship. It was an unspoken acknowledgment of the connection we were steadily building, a connection transcending the boundaries of business and casual encounters.

Reflecting on the stark difference between Taehyung's ease and Ivan's persistent advances, I couldn't help but appreciate the genuine comfort Taehyung provided. While Ivan had been sending texts expressing his interest since our dinner, Taehyung's approach felt respectful and comforting, creating an environment where I could be myself without any discomfort.

My cheeks warmed at Taehyung's words, a playful smile forming as I tried to conceal the blush threatening to betray my composure. His flirtatious demeanor was both unexpected and oddly charming.

"Well, you're certainly doing a good job of lighting up this corner of the world," I replied, sipping my coffee to mask my growing embarrassment. Taehyung's ability to seamlessly blend humor and charm left me pleasantly flustered.

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving mine. "And here I thought it was just the caffeine doing its magic. Little did I know, it's your smile that's the real enchantment."

I laughed, a combination of genuine amusement and the nervous energy that bubbled up when someone complimented me so directly. "You're quite the smooth talker, Taehyung. Are you always like this?"

His grin widened, and he feigned innocence. "Only when I'm around someone as captivating as you."

The playful banter continued, each word carrying a subtle undercurrent of something more profound. It was a dance of words and glances, and I found myself willingly caught in the rhythm of our conversation. Taehyung's ability to make me blush and laugh simultaneously was a unique charm, one that set him apart from anyone I had ever known.

As the café continued to buzz with the chatter of other patrons, our little corner felt like a world of its own — a space where flirtatious remarks and shared laughter created a connection that hinted at the possibility of something beyond the ordinary.

As the café continued to buzz with the chatter of other patrons, our little corner felt like a world of its own — a space where flirtatious remarks and shared laughter created a connection that hinted at the possibility of something beyond the ord...

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I'm sorry that I had to reedit this chapter beacause I posted the wrong chapter I hope y'all can forgive me

Have a nice day!

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