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                                                            Jeon Jennie

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                                                            Jeon Jennie

"Take a look at this sketch, what do you think?" I inquired, presenting the digital drawing on my iPad to Jisoo unnie. We were gathered in a cozy cafe, the ambiance filled with the hum of excited conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Jisoo unnie's eyes lit up as she examined the sketch. "It's stunning, Jennie! You're designing a dress for me?" she exclaimed with a mix of surprise and delight.

I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. "Yes, for your engagement party. I thought a custom dress would make the occasion even more special."

"So, I was thinking we could go for this type of decoration," Rosé suggested, displaying a template for the engagement party décor. The vibrant colors and elegant design sparked our enthusiasm as we discussed the various elements that would enhance the celebration.

Amid the planning chatter, my thoughts wandered into a realm of personal reflection. There was a flicker of familiarity when I met Jin, and a distant memory resurfaced – the club, Jungkook's friends, and a night filled with music and dancing. Though a bit hazy due to the alcohol, I recalled the close dance with Taehyung.

As I delved into my recollections, I realized it had been a while since I last saw Taehyung, even though it had only been a week or so. The busy pace of life had momentarily distanced us, and a sense of longing crept into my thoughts, overshadowed by the joyful planning for Jisoo unnie's engagement party.

A subtle realization dawned on me – a quiet acknowledgment that I might be missing Taehyung. The desire to see him, to share a moment or even just exchange a few words, unexpectedly surfaced amidst the buzz of engagement party planning. The faint ache of longing lingered beneath the surface, a sentiment that added an unexpected layer of complexity to the vibrant atmosphere of our gathering.

I felt a sudden nudge on my arm and turned to see Rosé with a mischievous grin. "Thinking about someone?" she teased, her gaze fixed on me. Before I could respond, she turned to the others.

"Do you know Jennie is in love?" Rosé announced to the group, leaving me to protest, "I'm not even dating Taehyung!"

With a playful glint in her eyes, Rosé taunted me, "How do you know who I was talking about?" Her mischievous grin only deepened, adding an unexpected twist to our planning session.

Amidst the teasing banter, Lisa chimed in, "Well, spill the details, Jennie! Who's the lucky guy?"

I chuckled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "There's nothing to spill. I was just... thinking."

Rosé leaned in, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Thinking about someone special, perhaps? Someone you haven't seen in a while?"

I rolled my eyes, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Maybe, but it doesn't mean anything. We're just friends."

"You're still thinking about Taehyung, aren't you?" Rosé teased, her playful grin undeniable. After a brief resistance, I finally conceded, "Fine, I am thinking about him."

"I knew it!" Rosé declared in victory. "Spill the details. I want to know everything since I wasn't there," Jisoo chimed in, her curiosity piqued.

Lisa added her own request, "I went to Thailand, so I don't know either. You better spill every detail." The cafe buzzed with anticipation as my friends awaited the recounting of a story that had unexpectedly become the focal point of our engagement party planning.

I found myself unraveling the story from its inception, starting from the first meeting at the gathering to the lively night at the club just a week ago. My friends listened attentively, reacting with gasps, giggles, and excited squeals as I shared the unfolding narrative.

Amidst the storytelling and animated reactions, Lisa's excited squeal cut through the air. "Oh my god, he is totally into you," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

I chuckled at Lisa's exuberance, appreciating the genuine joy and support from my friends. "It's not like that," I insisted, attempting to downplay the situation. However, Rosé leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Come on, Jennie. Don't deny it. The signs are all there," Rosé teased, earning playful nods of agreement from the others.

The playful banter continued, and I found myself caught in the midst of my friends' teasing. Despite my attempts to keep things light, their infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist.

"Okay, maybe there's a bit of interest there," I admitted, a sheepish smile playing on my lips. The admission was met with triumphant cheers from Lisa and Rosé.

Jisoo, always the voice of reason, chimed in, "Well, whatever it is, we're here for you. And if anything blossoms between you and Taehyung, that's just an added bonus."

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