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Jennie was sitting in her studio alone, fully focused on her designs

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Jennie was sitting in her studio alone, fully focused on her designs. The soft strains of music wafted through the air, enhancing the cocoon of concentration she had built around herself. But that focus was abruptly shattered by the unwelcome sound of familiar footsteps.

The studio door swung open, revealing none other than her persistent younger brother, Jungkook. Jennie's eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and irritation as she saw him stroll in casualy. "What are you doing?"

"Working. What does it look like?",Jennie said without looking up

"Leave that and join me for lunch."

Jennie was still focused on her work, "I am working, Kook."

Jungkook pleadingly spoke, "Please, Noona."

A sigh escapes her lips, "Fine, give me 10 minutes."

A grin made its way on his face,"Okay."

Jungkook was unable to stand still for more than a few seconds, started to roam around her studio, his fingers brushing over sketches, fabrics, and various tools.

Jennie's voice raised as she noticed his antics "Stop touching everything!"

Jungkook froze, an innocent yet mischievous smile tugging at his lips.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "You sound like a protective mother guarding her treasures."

Jennie finally looked up from her work, an smile was on her lips as she shook her head. "You know this is my creative space, Kook. Everything here is delicate, and I don't want my masterpiece ruined."

His grin was still splattered on his face, "I promise I won't break anything."

"That's what you always say right before something breaks."

Jungkook looked at her innocently, "It's not my fault that everything here is so fragile."

Jennie rolled her eyes, unable to hold back her laughter at her brother's antics. "Fine, just don't mess with anything, okay?"

Jungkook saluted playfully, "Yes mam."

2 hours later

After a delightful lunch with Jungkook, Jennie made her way back to her studio. The dress she had worn during the dance with Taehyung hung on a mannequin, which reminded her their graceful dance together. Sitting down at her desk, she found herself lost in thoughts of him, his handsome face, and the way he held her during the dance.

She got the sudden urge to hear his deep voice. She contemplated whether she should call him, her fingers hesitating over her phone. After a few minutes of internal debate, she decided to send him a text instead.


In a dimly lit room, a man was tied to a chair, covered in bruises and blood, begging for mercy in the torturous atmosphere. "Please... I beg you... show some mercy, please."

Taehyung let out a dark chuckle. "Mercy? You think The Merciless Satan is capable of such a thing?"

He picked up a hot knife from a nearby table, and with an evil smirk, he carved a deep line across the man's cheek. A scream of pain filled the air, but Taehyung seemed to find enjoyment in the man's suffering. Just as he was about to proceed with more torture, a text notification interrupted him. Checking his phone, he read the unexpected message and then stepped out, signalling his guards to continue their ruthless work.

Outside, in the quiet of the backyard, Taehyung's fingers danced across his phone's screen as he typed a reply.


Jennie: Hi, What are you doing?

Taehyung: Just working, what about you?

Taehyung: Missing the dance we had at your party?

Jennie: Maybe I am. Are you going to dance with me again?

Taehyung: We can, I can arrange a ball and we can dance for hours.

Jennie: Oh, please, don't flatter yourself too much. I'm sure you've got a lot of dance partners lined up.

Taehyung: Jealous, are we?

Jennie: Hardly. Just don't trip over your own feet while trying to impress me.

Taehyung: I'll have you know, I've been practising my graceful moves just for you.

Jennie: Well, as long as you don't break anything, I'm in.

Taehyung: Deal. Just don't be surprised when I sweep you off your feet.

Jennie: Good luck with that, Mr. Smooth Talker.

Taehyung: You have no idea 😉

Jennie: Well I have to get back to work I'll talk to you later.

Taehyung: Have a good day Sweetheart.

Jennie's cheeks flushed red at his last text, she was glad he could not see her all flustered but she never blushed this hard when someone called her sweetheart.

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