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                                                     Kim Taehyung

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                                                   Kim Taehyung

Jennie's face lit up with joy at the sight of her friends. I couldn't help but notice the subtle exchange of glances between Jungkook and Lisa.

"Wanna grab a drink, unnie?" Lisa suggested, and Jennie eagerly nodded.

"We'll see you later," Jennie said to Jungkook, and the three girls made their way to the bar.

Jimin shot me a teasing look. "That girl is the one who swept Taehyung off his feet."

I shot him a glare, not in the mood for his playful banter.

As Jennie and her friends headed to the bar, I found myself keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. The club was alive with energy, the music pulsating through the air, and the atmosphere charged with excitement.

Jimin chuckled beside me. "Relax, Taehyung. It's just a friendly get-together."

I nodded, trying to shake off the tension that had settled within me. "Yeah, I know."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, sensing something more. "You seem a bit on edge tonight. Everything okay?"

I hesitated, debating whether to share my concerns. Finally, I decided to keep it vague. "Just some business matters on my mind. Don't worry about it."

But my mind wasn't on business; it was on Jennie. The protective instinct within me was on high alert, especially with the lingering glances from others in the club. As much as I wanted to enjoy the evening, the undercurrent of unease remained.

My unease increased when I saw Ivan Petrov approach Jennie.

                                                                               Jeon Jennie

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                                                       Jeon Jennie

"Hey, Jen," Ivan greeted as he approached me.

"Hey," I replied, attempting to conceal the discomfort in my voice.

"It's been a while since I last saw you, Rosè. How are you?"

"I'm fine," Rosè replied. I could sense her lack of enthusiasm; she never really liked Ivan.

"And what was your name again?" He gestured to Lisa. "Lily, right?"

Lisa looked visibly annoyed as she answered, "It's Lisa." Ivan never cared about people who weren't as affluent as him, and that aspect of him grated on my nerves.

"Care to dance?" he asked me, extending his hand.

I tried my best to politely decline, "Actually, I'm not in the mood to dance right now, maybe later?"

Ivan didn't seem deterred by my refusal. Instead, he persisted, "Come on, Jennie, just one dance. It'll be fun."

I could feel the pressure of his insistence, and I exchanged a quick glance with Rosè and Lisa, silently pleading for an intervention. Rosè caught on, shooting me a look that said, "I've got your back."

Before Ivan could press further, Rosè smoothly stepped in, "Actually, Ivan, we were just about to grab some drinks. Why don't you join us, and we can all have a good time?"

Ivan hesitated, clearly disappointed that his attempt to dance with me was foiled. Nonetheless, he agreed, "Sure, why not? Lead the way."

As we headed to the bar, I couldn't shake off the discomfort that lingered from Ivan's advances.

Ivan confidently offered to pay for our drinks, pulling out his regular credit card. I couldn't help but suppress a smile, knowing that tucked away in my wallet was a sleek black American Express card. The contrast was amusing, but I graciously accepted, not wanting to escalate the situation.

"What would you like, miss?" The bartender asked.

"A sex on the beach please." I said and the rest of them ordered their drinks

As the bartender prepared our drinks, I couldn't help but notice Ivan's subtle attempts to inch closer, his persistent gaze making me uneasy.

He handed me the cocktail, and I took a sip, trying to focus on the lively atmosphere of the club rather than Ivan's presence.

"So, Jennie, tell me more about yourself," Ivan said, attempting small talk as he leaned against the bar.

I gave him a polite smile, keeping my responses vague. I didn't want to divulge too much information, especially not to someone like him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's eyes never strayed far from us. His protective glances didn't go unnoticed, and a small sense of comfort washed over me, knowing he was keeping an eye on things.

Suddenly Taehyung got up from his seat and made his way to us.

                                                                        Kim Taehyung

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                                                  Kim Taehyung

My anger had surpassed its limits as Ivan kept touching her. I made my way towards them as I took Jennie's hand "Wanna dance?" I asked and she replied "Sure."

Before she could finish I pulled her to the dance floor.

The atmosphere on the dance floor pulsed with energy, but in that moment, it felt like everything else faded away. I guided Jennie into the rhythm of the music, her body gracefully moving with mine.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and made her wrap her arms around my neck.

As I held her close, the subtle scent of her perfume enveloped me, intoxicating and familiar. The irritation from watching Ivan's advances dissipated, replaced by the warmth of having her in my arms.

Jennie's eyes, a mix of gratitude and relief, met mine. "Thanks for helping me escape," she said above the music.

"My pleasure," I replied, the words carrying a depth of meaning beyond the surface. The dance became a subtle conversation, our bodies swaying to an unspoken understanding.

The proximity was electric, and I couldn't ignore the magnetic pull between us. It was more than a simple dance; it was a moment of connection, a silent affirmation that we were there for each other.

As the song reached its end, I found myself reluctant to let go of her, she felt perfect in my arms like she was made for me.

This girl is driving me crazy. I need to make her mine soon.

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