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                                                            Jeon Jennie

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Jeon Jennie

"Please leave me, please.". Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded to the man which made him chuckle darkly.

He stamped his foot on my hand with force as I screamed. He bent down to my bruised, naked figure as he landed a tight slap on my face. I couldn't see my face but I was sure my cheek was red.

"Shut up, bitch." He came between my legs, he was about to fuck me, what had I done to deserve this. Will my family ever find m-

With a sudden jolt, I broke free from the nightmare's clutches. Gasping for air, I found myself in the familiar confines of my room. Heavy breaths filled the silence as I desperately sought refuge from the lingering trauma.

Frantically scanning my surroundings, I yearned for the reassurance of reality. A glass of water awaited on the bedside table, a small anchor in the disorienting aftermath. Sipping the cool liquid, I sought to wash away the remnants of the torment.

The drawer beckoned, concealing a box of cigarettes. A fleeting thought crossed my mind-perhaps a single one wouldn't hurt, would it?

Stepping onto the balcony, I found solace in the expansive cityscape that unfolded before me. The panoramic view had been the driving force behind my decision to invest in this penthouse-the allure of the city lights dancing beneath the night sky.

With a flicker of flame, I lit the cigarette, its ember casting a soft glow in the darkness. A deep inhale followed by a contemplative exhale released the tension that lingered within me. The city sprawled beneath, a tapestry of dreams and aspirations, yet within the confines of my mind, a recurring nightmare persisted.

For a brief moment, that haunting dream had granted me respite, a fleeting pause in the relentless reel of torment. However, like an unwelcome guest, it had returned with a vengeance. The city below, with its twinkling lights and distant hum, seemed oblivious to the internal storms that raged within.

I leaned against the balcony railing, allowing the cool night breeze to intermingle with the tendrils of smoke that curled from my cigarette. The contrast between the tranquil exterior and the turbulent echoes of my nightmares was stark.

In that moment of solitude, under the expansive canopy of stars, I wished for an end to the nocturnal torment. The city, with all its beauty, couldn't shield me from the demons within. With another exhale, I let the smoke dissipate into the night, a silent plea for the peace that seemed elusive.

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