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                                                            Jeon Jennie

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Jeon Jennie

I entered the meeting room and noticed that my father had chosen a different setting than usual. He was already seated, and I took the chair beside him.

"So, why did you change the meeting room?" I inquired.

"Because we have some very special guests today; they came all the way from Russia," my father explained.

"Oh," I responded.

"Yes, these guests are partners for a new project we're considering. It's a significant deal, and I thought it would be more appropriate to have this meeting in a slightly more private setting. And there is one more thing."

I looked at him, curious. "What is it?"

"Remember Ivan Petrov?" he asked.

"Yeah, he was my childhood friend," I recalled.

"Well, he took over his dad's company and came from Russia with his family to meet us."

"It's been ages since I've seen him. I can't wait to catch up after so long," I said with a smile.

As the meeting room gradually filled with business representatives, I noticed Taehyung entering. Our eyes met, and he flashed me a confident smirk that sent butterflies swirling in my stomach. Taehyung had a magnetic presence that never failed to mesmerize me. He took the seat right next to me.

Soon, the person I had been waiting for, Ivan Petrov, made his way towards the door. My father and I stood up and walked over to greet him.

                                                      Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung

I sat there, watching as Jennie warmly greeted Ivan. His compliment to her didn't sit well with me, and as they hugged, an unwelcome twinge of jealousy crept in. Ivan's hand on her lower back only intensified the feeling.

"I thought this was a private meeting," Ivan remarked.

"These are some business representatives; they own very successful companies," Jennie explained.

I couldn't help but glare at Ivan's hand, resting so casually on Jennie's lower back. My gaze remained fixed on their interaction, my discomfort growing.

"Ah, Mr. Kim Taehyung, I believe we met once," Ivan said, extending his hand for a handshake.

My expression remained cold and distant; I didn't return the handshake. I just looked at Ivan, my demeanor unwelcoming.

"I don't recall meeting you," I replied, not bothering to return the handshake.

Ivan retrieved his hand, unfazed. "Well, Mr. Kim, your reputation precedes you. You're quite famous in the business world. I doubt you would remember me."

My gaze was as cold as ice as I responded to Ivan's attempt at politeness. "Indeed, Mr. Petrov, my world revolves around business. But I never forget a face. Perhaps our meeting wasn't memorable."

Jennie must have sensed the tension, deciding to change the topic to prevent any issues during the meeting.

"Well, we're all here for business, right? Let's get this meeting started," she said as she took her seat. Her father was on her right, and I, on her left, discreetly held her hand beneath the table, finding some solace in the connection amid the brewing tension.

As the meeting unfolded, I couldn't help but feel a growing knot of jealousy tightening in my chest. Ivan's presence grated on me, and every exchange between him and Jennie felt like a subtle challenge.

Jennie led the discussions with her usual poise, unaware of the internal turmoil I was grappling with. My attention, however, wasn't solely on the business matters at hand. It kept drifting to the shared glances and smiles between Jennie and Ivan, each one intensifying the fire of jealousy within me.

Ivan's comments, although seemingly innocent, carried an undertone that didn't escape my notice. The familiarity between them, the shared history, it all fueled my unease. I found myself clenching my jaw, trying to suppress the storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

As the meeting drew to a close, Ivan lingered, finding reasons to extend the conversation. It was a calculated move, and I could sense the rising frustration within me. Jennie and I made our way to the elevator.

As the elevator descended, I couldn't resist the impulse to make a move. Our close proximity held an unspoken tension, and my eyes bore into hers with a mix of intensity and frustration.

"Taehyung, what-" Jennie started, but I cut her off with a possessive gaze.

"That Petrov guy," I began, my voice low and controlled, "he's not just an old friend, is he?"

Caught off guard, Jennie hesitated, her eyes betraying a hint of surprise. The charged atmosphere confirmed that there was more to the story than a simple friendship.

"He's just-" Jennie began, but I wasn't in the mood for explanations. Instead, I subtly cornered her against the elevator wall, my hand resting beside her, creating a caged intimacy.

"He looked like he wanted more than just a business deal," I whispered, my breath sending shivers down her spine.

Jennie's eyes searched mine, reflecting a mix of emotions - surprise, realization, and perhaps a touch of something deeper.

"He's just an old friend," she repeated, her voice a breathless murmur.

But I wasn't satisfied with words alone. Frustration and possessiveness surged within me, prompting me to maintain our proximity, a silent declaration that spoke volumes without a single word.

As the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, we reluctantly pulled away, the charged silence between us echoing the complexities of our unspoken connection. The confrontation we had been avoiding seemed inevitable, but for now, the air crackled with the lingering intensity of a moment that blurred the lines between friendship and something more.

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