Part 17.

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Venice Miller

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Venice Miller

It has been a week, and they are now just letting me go home. Constant tests were being done, and I'm not so high risk anymore. Rafe hasn't been here much, though I know he was in the building because the nurse kept informing me. I just wanted some time alone, to think properly.

But today is the day I get to see Rafe and everyone. And I've made up my choice.

I'm keeping the baby.

In the past week, I've grown more emotionally attached to this pregnancy, and I cannot let go. Not anymore.

Rafe walks into the room with a change of clothes. "I got some leggings and a tank top." He mumbles. Since I've made it clear that we are just going to be co-parenting, he hasn't been going close to me or pushing any boundaries.

"Hey, since it's your first day coming back home... Wanna go out for dinner?" Rafe asks before i get out of bed. I shrug. "I'll pick you up around six thirty." I nod my head before walking into the washroom to change.


As soon as we arrived in front of my house, I see John B, Sarah, Kiara and Pope. But no JJ. I smile at them and walk towards them. "How are you?" John B side hugs me, then Sarah hugs me, and so do the rest. "I am good. I've rested well." I turn my head towards Rafe and see him leaning against his truck with his arms crossed. "Give me a second guys." I walk towards Rafe and give him a hug. "Thank you for being here for me."

"Anything for you, Venice." He reaches his hand to my stomach. "And for this too." He kisses my temple before leaving. I turn back towards my friends and smile.

"So, what happened at the hospital?" Kiara asked.

A lot.

In the corner of my eye, I see a figure. I turn and see JJ. I walk up to him and give him a tight hug. "Oh my God, Venice, how are you?" He asks as he tightly holds me.

I look at him and smile. "I am okay, JJ. I had a slight concussion."

"Oh okay." JJ nods his head. I look at Sarah and need to tell her because she is the closest one here, and it's also her brother that is in this as well. "Hey... guys, want to go inside?" I ask and they all just walk into the house. I sigh before I see Sarah watching me. "Hey you alright?"

"I need to talk to you." I speak. Sarah nods her head; we interlink our arms together and walk into my house. "I ordered a pizza" Pope stated. "I'll pay" I reply. Pope shakes his head. "Nope." He smiles.

I roll my eyes. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, everything is rotten. My mom would kill me if she saw how messy it is. I need to do some deep cleaning. "And you can help me with that can't ya?" I rub my stomach though there's no bump.

"Who are you talking to?" Sarah asks. I shrug. "I'm debating on whether to tell you all, or just you." Sarah furrows her brows. Yeah, confusing. "Is it serious?"

"Pretty damn serious, and soon everyone will know anyways." I reply and I throw everything in the fridge out. "I'll just tell everyone."

"Right." Sarah nods. "Do you need help?"

"No, it's fine. I'll need to text Rafe because I need to go grocery shopping." I huff. I close the door and turn to Sarah. "Any word about my mom yet?"

"Nope. There is no trace of her according to the police." She shrugs.

"Goddammit." I curse. "I know" She replies.

Me and Sarah make our way to the living room, and I stand in front of everyone, blocking the TV. "Guys... Uhm, there's something I need to tell you." I pick at my nail beds as I pace around. "Uhm, so..." I gulp. I look at JJ and Sarah, knowing this affects them the most. One is just in love and the other is just a sibling of the future father.

"When I was first submitted into the hospital, I found out some stuff..." I mumble. "And Sarah this relates to you, because it also relates to Rafe." Sarah sits up and nods her head. "I'm pregnant." I look at them all with fear.

Sarah's jaw was hanging just like the rest of them. JJ's eyes turned from happiness to hatred. "So... you're pregnant?" John B asks. I nod my head. "It was the main reason why I had stayed at the hospital for a week, because I was at a high risk of miscarriage. I mean, I still am but not as risky as last week because my stress levels were too high, and-"

JJ stops me from rambling. He looks at me with heart break, but he was smiling. "Congrats, Venice" I don't look at him, I can't. But he pulls me into a hug. "When Rafe isn't here to help you, tell me and I'll be here for you. Understand?" I nod my head. "I'm always here."

"So, my brother knocked you up." I nod my head, slightly embarrassed. Sarah started laughing. "I'm going to be aunt."


As soon as everyone had left. Sarah just stayed, and I called Rafe. "Hey, I just want you to know that you have our full support, and we'll always be here for you." She assured me that. I nod my head. "Thank You."

In ten minutes, Rafe comes and Sarah leaves. "Hey, everything alright?" He walks up to me in worry. I nod my head. "It's just that, I don't have any food. We need to go buy some."

"Alright, let's go" Rafe and I walk towards his truck. We sit in and make it to the local grocery store. "Hey, I was thinking. And I have a suggestion." I speak.

"Mehm" Rafe listens as he focuses on the road. "What if you move in with me?" I ask. Rafe smiled and nodded his head; he turns to look at me. "I think it is a great idea because we need to be together all the time, plus you cannot be alone because you're going through these risky times and need to be watched at all times."

"Valid point." I shrug.

"It's settled than."

"I guess so."

All Lies - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now