Part 36

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Part 2: The babysitters

"Okay, in this bag there is baby formula, there are loads of diapers, there are two baby bottles, two binkies for her, there are plenty of different clothes, there are baby wipes, baby soap, powder you already know," Sarah mentioned.

Me and Rafe nodded our heads. "Good luck." She said before kissing her baby and leaving.

I roll my eyes before I pick up the baby, I hold her very gently against my chest. "Rafe!" I hear Sarah yell out.

Rafe opened the door, and I was immediately hit with the hot summer air in the Outer Banks. The sun was setting and it was just perfect for a walk.

"Oh hi, baby!" I say to her in my baby high-pitched voice. "Aren't you a little pretty girl!" I squeal.

Suddenly I see Rafe struggling to bring into the house her crib. "Oh, Sarah-" I laugh. "You don't have the foldable ones?"

"This is the foldable one, I just don't remember how to fold it." Sarah huffed, going back to her car to give us her blanket and her tiny pillow. "She's all set now" she spoke. "If it just gets too bad, just call me."

"Yes, boss!" Rafe nodded his head before somehow folding the crib. He walked up the stairs and into our room, he unfolded it made sure the mattress was properly placed and put her blanket there and her tiny pillow.

I read through the measurements of the baby formula she gave me and it seemed pretty straightforward. "Alright Rosie, you're going to eat very soon okay? We don't want you to cry, none of that, okay?" I say to her before placing him in her stroller.

Everywhere I go I just have the stroller by my side, even in the house. As I'm in the kitchen measuring it, she is watching me as she lies in her stroller. "Yes, baby?" I ask her.

Rafe walked to me and looked at Rosie, he immediately smiled at her. "Hi, baby!" He spoke in his baby voice which I've never heard.

It was so cute.

Rafe gently lifted her from her stroller and held her against his chest. He started walking around the house to keep her calm.

I'm trying now to make the formula the perfect temperature for a newborn baby. I keep it under cold water for a bit until I test the temperature and it's good. "Okay, Rafe.." I sit down on the couch and wait til he gives me Rosie.

"No I wanna do it" Rafe pouted.

"Okay fine, come sit here." I pat the couch and wait. He sat beside me and kissed Rosie's forehead. "She's so adorable.."

"I know!" I laugh. I hand him the bottle. "Very gentle okay."

"I'm not a dog.." Rafe rolled his eyes. He gently placed the bottle into her mouth and watched as she ate.

I turn on the TV and put on a baby show just to have it in the background. I watch Rafe feed Rosie and can't stop thinking that maybe one day that could be us with our child. It is something I would want to experience with him and to watch our children grow and watch each other grow older.

Life is so beautiful.

Suddenly me and Rafe hear a loud fart, we both looked at each other with raised brows. "Was that you?" I questioned him and he shook his head. "Don't tell me that was her.." I grin.

"You're changing the diaper.." Rafe laughed.

I shake my head. "Nope. You fed her so you can do it" I shrug, laughing when I see his smile fade. "You insisted."

"UGH!!" Rafe groaned. "Fine."

I chuckle. Once he finished feeding her and put a towel underneath her and took off her little tiny pants. "Oh, my baby is all full!" I boop her nose.

Rosie smiled as she squirmed. She is so adorable.

As I watch Rafes face I notice his sudden expression, going from awe to disgust. "Oh my-" I snicker.

Rafe looked at me, his weak mind didn't want him to continue. "Please..." He begged. He took off the diaper and folded it, handing me it.

I'm going to be generous, I'm not gonna leave it all on him. I plug in my nose and hold the top with my two fingers as I walk towards my door, I open it and throw it into the outdoor trash bin.

I quickly wash my hands and I see Rafe holding her in his arms as he gently patted her bum for her to fall asleep.

So far she's just very quiet and calm.

"Can I hold her as well?" I ask.

"She's calm right now," Rafe spoke, shaking his head. "She's very content right now." He added.

I roll my eyes. "We should go on a walk with her to help her fall asleep."

"Okay, let's go." He stood up and walked over to her stroller, gently placing her down. He quickly washed his hands afterwards and put on his shoes. 

I put on my shoes and we walk out. The sun had fully set, but the warmth of the summer breeze stayed. Golden lights were lit everywhere so it was perfect for a ten-minute walk.

As Rafe pushed the stroller, because he wanted to, I had my two arms wrapped around his one.


We got back and of course, Rosie was fully asleep. I picked her up gently and walked up the stairs, I placed her into her crib and tucked her into her blanket. "Goodnight Rosie" I mutter.

Rafe looked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's make our own." He whispered into my ears mm

"You think?" I ask.

"Fuck yes."

All Lies - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now