Back in Black | Part Two

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Sam and Robby stood in the circle facing each other. In sync, they brought their fists by their sides. Then they rose their hands to head height with them shaped like a triangle and finally continued up above their head.

The teens quickly moved their hands to the side and clapped and each did a right jab and an arm block. They repeated the same moves with their right arm. Twisting their bodies and bringing a hand to their head as if they were doing a strange salute, while the other hand guarded the chest. That was only the start and they hadn't even done the technique yet.

"Nice. Now, show me the wheel." Daniel instructed.

Twisting their bodies in the opposite direction to each other, Robby and Sam both took a large step while they moved their hands so the back of one was against their foreheads, while the other was stretched out but bent up at the elbow. They brought their right knee up in the air and then kicked out with the leg.

Robby dropped his leg down and moved it behind the other one, then moved his left arm up so it was bent at the elbow at a right angle, while his right arm punched down at an angle.

Sam was unfortunately delayed a few seconds.

"No, no, no." Daniel reminded them. "You both have to be perfectly in-sync. Otherwise, this technique doesn't work."

"Technique? This feels more like a dance." Robby said, in which Sam agreed.

"Yeah, at what point do we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around?" She joked.

"Okay, guys, trust me. You both master this, no one's gonna mess with you. Come on. Let's try it again."

Both teens moved back inside the circle standing once again opposite each other. They skipped the original starting position of the warm up to actually start at the first part of the second segment.

Daniel followed Sam around the circle, "And down, Sam, left arm up. No, no, together. At the same time."

Robby had his back to Sam, "How are we supposed to do it at the same time when we can't see each other?"

"You need to sense what your partner is doing, even if you can't see them."

"How exactly are we supposed to do that?" Sam asked. "The Force?"

Daniel heard his phone chime and he took it out of his pocket. Looking at the screen, he saw a text from Amanda saying that there was an emergency at the dealership. Sighing, he said, "Shoot, I gotta go help your mom out with something. Just feel it, all right? I'll be back as soon as I can. All right, keep it up."


The Cobra Kai students along with the new ones stood in formation on the mat facing the black paint. Phoebe stood in-between Hawk and Miguel at the front.

Their Sensei planted himself in from of them. "Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese."

Phoebe stared at Johnny. Why on earth he would allow his former Sensei, the man who tried to kill him and her father into this dojo? She would never know. She knew now why she felt scared of the man. Because he was John Kreese.

Johnny subtly said the next part to her as he knew that she knew what her dad had told her about his time in the old Cobra Kai, "He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here."

The girl inwardly sighed. It was going to be difficult to pretend that that man wasn't standing a three feet away. For the first time, Phoebe actually felt nervous of an onlooker. But her body didn't portray how uncomfortable she felt. She wouldn't let it. She wouldn't let herself pop up on this man's radar.

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