One: Arrogance

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Honestly, this chapter is not as good as I wanted it to be but I assure with every chapter, it gets better.


(Age Twenty)

I was fucking ecstatic.

When you grow up having a dream and that dream finally comes true, you tend to be on cloud nine.

The ODI squad for the bilateral series against Australia next month was announced yesterday.

I got selected.

This is the start of my cricket dream. I don't care how rich we might be, how much business we might own, or how much wealth I am entitled to.

Ever since childhood I only wanted to play for my country and this dream just came true.

"Just because you got selected doesn't mean you won't let me play with you now." Sierna, my younger sister grumbled as she picked up the cricket ball.

I took my stance once again in front of the stumps. "The youngest has to field, don't you know the rule?"

Throwing curses at me, she threw the ball towards Asael who caught it, adjusting his spectacles with his other hand.

"You can bat once I get this arsehole's wicket," Asael spoke, being the mature one as he took his run-up.

"Ha." I scoffed. "You are talking to a professional cricketer, have some respect."

Asael bowled the ball and I hit it for a four towards the off side making Sierna groan as she chased the bowl.

"Tone down the smugness, Ari. You just got selected in the squad, what if they don't let you play?" Asael teased, rubbing his stubble.

Sierna came back with the ball, a few strands of her dark hair spilt onto her forehead which was gathered in a ponytail since she had been running around so much.

Asael took the ball from her, glancing at her with a little pity. He might be our elder cousin but he treated us like his real siblings.

Sierna fixed me with her clear blue eyes, shooting a glare at me. "Now, move. I want to bat now."

Asael stood behind her, placing his palm on her shoulder. "Let her play too, Ari."

I rolled my eyes and extended the bat to her. "If you get out then I won't give you another chance."

She stuck out her tongue at me, snatching the bat from my hand and stomping over to the stumps.

I stood beside Asael, whispering to him, "Bowl your fastest deliver, she doesn't know how to play against those."

Asael gave me a pointed look. "Let her play."

I pouted. "But I want to practice, I will leave next month."

"Go field." Asael shoved me away.

Huffing, I went and stood around mid-wicket. On my request, Dad had extended our backyard and converted it into a small cricket ground with a pitch and proper stumps.

Asael bowled to Sierna, a lot slower than usual making her swing her bat and somehow managed to edge the ball towards me.

I picked up the ball and threw it back to Asael who caught it and bowled once more to her.

This time the bowl was short-pitched, causing it to bounce higher and Sierna by pure luck did a pull shot, sending the bowl flying towards our home.

A loud sound of glass shattering echoed in the backyard making us all flinch.

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