Thirty: Healed

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"Hey, Asael!" Zahria waved at my brother as we entered his house. "Where's Ver?"

Asael smiled at her from where he sat on the couch. "She's in the kitchen."

Zahria glanced at me and squeezed my hand before walking away from me.

My eyes remained on her back until she disappeared into the kitchen.

I didn't want to cling to her every second even though I was dying to but she deserved to spend time with her friend.

Asael watched me amusingly as I took a seat beside him.

He was dying to tease me, I know it but before he could say anything, I asked, "Why aren't you helping your fiancee?"

"I wanted to but she chased me out."

Leaning back, he still watched me with that stupid smirk and amusement. "So..." He reached for his phone which was lying on his thigh.

I have been meaning to tell him something ever since past few days so I ended up interrupting him. "I want to start therapy again."

He paused mid way, mouth parting open, eyebrows shooting up. "Therapy?"

I gulped, looking away. "The mental one or whatever the hell it is called. I want to give it another try."

"What made you change your mind?" He asked slowly and carefully.

I half shrugged. "I don't ever want to accidentally hurt Zahria. I once did, I don't want a repeat."

I couldn't bring myself to look at his reaction. Years back, I only told him that I didn't want any therapy but here I was.

A weight crashed on my side as Asael tackled me onto the couch into a hug.

"What the fuck?! Get off me." I tried to push him away.

His arms held me tightly and he pulled me up with him, hugging me to his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead making me grimace. "Eww, seriously, Asael, what is wrong with you?"

He released me and I shifted away from him just in time to see him wiping his eyes.

I glared at him. I know it's not the first time he has hugged or kissed me but it was overdramatic this time. Verena is affecting him badly.

"I'm happy for you, that's it." He answered, putting back his glasses. "I wanted you to go to therapy for so long."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. But find a better therapist this time, I didn't like the last one."

He ruffled my hair. "Don't worry, I'll find you the best therapist."

We both heard the front door unlocking and we glanced towards it just as Elmer entered followed by his daughter, Aubrey.

He nodded at us both while Aubrey waved, similar to how Zahria waved earlier. "Hello, everyone!"

Asael and I returned her wave.

"You are just in time", Asael said to Elmer, smiling mischievously. "I have something really interesting to show you all."

He pulled out his phone and I watched in horror as he clicked play on the video Verena forwarded to him.

The video which Zahria made yesterday which she also referred to as a 'reel', the one where my whole face and neck was covered in lipstick prints of different shades.

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