Eight: Ride

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It was graduation day.

I was happy but sadness lingered deep below. These four years at Aurelius were fun-filled especially with Verena who I met on the first day and we instantly became friends...now best friends.

I watched her hold hands with her boyfriend--sorry, fiance--and walk around the campus as they both caught up with each other after being separated for a few weeks.

I was happy for her--more than happy--but now, she would be leaving for England soon while I will remain here. That's the worst thing about being from two different countries.

The hair on the back of my neck rose as a shiver went down my spine. I had this strange feeling of being watched.

I glanced around but everyone was busy with each other, laughing, celebrating.

For the past couple of weeks, it has been like this. Someone is watching me most of the time, I am eighty per cent sure of it, and the rest twenty per cent tells me that I am being paranoid.

A hand touched my shoulder startling me as I whirled around.

My body relaxed when I realised it was my parents. "Hey..."

"Are you okay?" Mom asked noticing my jumpiness.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled.

I come from a rich family--everyone in AU is--and I am grateful for it. But sometimes, I feel burdened by the responsibilities on my shoulders.

As the only daughter of the Connors, I am the heir to their whole empire meaning as soon as Dad will retire, I will be taking over as the next CEO.

Having grown up being told that you are an heir to a multi-million dollar company and you are responsible for keeping it running tends to put lots of pressure on you and make you want a life of relaxation.

It's not that I don't think myself to be capable of leading however (I will be offending lots of 'feminists' by saying this) I sometimes just want to be a stay-at-home mom.

There, I said it.

Feminism doesn't only mean that every woman should be independent. In my perspective, feminism is the freedom of choice. Freedom to choose whether I want to be a working woman or a housewife. Freedom to live as I please.

In my perspective, being a housewife is nothing shameful as long as your partner loves and respects you.

Deep down, I want someone who is a bit older than me, more mature than me and is responsible and who tells me, "I am going to take care of you."

It's not that I need any money, I have lots of it and I can even provide my man with it, all I want in return is to relax and let him take care of other things.


I came out of my thoughts and focused back on my parents who are very loving and caring.

"Yes, Dad?"

"You are coming back home with us, right?"

I sighed and said as gently as possible, "I am sorry but...I am going to stay here for another week or so, as long as Verena is here. She will be leaving soon, after which I promise to come back."

"Oh..." Mom frowned slightly before fixing her expression. "That's alright. It's just that we missed you so much."

"I know...I missed you both too." I pulled them both into a hug. "I'll be back soon."

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