Three: Over

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Kallias raised hell the moment he came to know of his family's disappearance.

No one was sure exactly when they disappeared but it has been twelve hours since they started searching for them.

Asael was losing his mind.

With every second that passed without any trace of them, he felt a part of his heart break.

They knew exactly who was to blame and they weren't going to spare them.

Asael loved his Uncle and Aunt, especially his cousins. Especially Arien. He was his best friend.

And if something were to happen to them...

He couldn't even bear the thought of it.

They didn't involve the police because honestly, in their opinion, they couldn't do shit.

The amount of power and money the Alderidge's had was unparalleled.

They put everything into play, calling in favours, even threatening if needed. Anything that could help.

"Anything?" Kallias's voice sounded strained over the call.

"No," Asael answered, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'll find them."

"Be careful," Kallias warned him before hanging up.

Careful was the last thing Asael wanted to be, he wanted to burn down the whole world.

One of their men called him and he slowed down the car he was driving before picking up. "You better have something."

"I do. I have sent you the location. We are on our way too."

Asael quickly hung up the call and checked the location, it was almost a two-hour drive from London.

Throwing his phone on the passenger seat, he pressed down on the accelerator.


The others were on their way but Asael didn't wait for them.

He had his gun in his hand as he scanned the surroundings, he was in the woods, and the sun was setting giving it an eerie look.

Asael searched around for a bit before he stumbled upon a small, shabby-looking shed and he ran towards it, bursting through the door.

It was a small, old shed, empty. With no sign of anyone, he was about to leave when he noticed the wooden trap door built into the floor.

Stuffing his gun inside his pocket, he crouched down, pulling open the door hastily.

Immediately the smell of blood, urine and something stale reached his nose making him nauseous.

There was a narrow, dark staircase leading down and taking a deep breath, and preparing himself, he went down.

At the end of the staircase was a door. It was locked.

He fumbled around with the handle for a bit, his hands trembling before he decided to kick it open.

As he stumbled through the door, he slipped. There was so much blood that he slipped.

He fell on his knees, his palms pressing to the floor to support himself and when he felt the sticky liquid in between his fingers, he lifted his hand to inspect it.

In the dim light, he took in the blood coating his hand, dripping down his forearm.

He wasn't breathing anymore as he stumbled back, falling on his ass as he took in all the blood covering the floor.

"No." A sob left his mouth. "No."

His eyes fell on the three bodies lying at the end of the room, against the wall and he shook his head in disbelief. "No, no, no. Please."

He tried running but couldn't, he slipped again and ended up crawling over to the bodies, sobbing hysterically.

A scream left his mouth when he noticed his cousin and aunt all naked, body covered in blood.

His Uncle was long dead, and the blood on his body dried but it hadn't been long since they died.

With trembling hand, he placed his fingers against the pulse point in his cousin's neck. "No." He cried as he felt absolutely nothing.

He knew the answer yet he felt each of their pulse, his cries getting louder.

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and laid it on top of Sierna, covering her bare body.

Next, he removed his shirt and did the same with his Aunt, not able to see them in that state any longer.

It didn't any genius to guess what they must have had to suffer before they were killed.

"D-dead..." A haunting, low voice came from somewhere in the room. "They're all dead..."

"Arien!" Asael cried, snapping his head towards the sound. "Arien!"

The room was dark but his eyes adjusted soon and then he was crawling over to the other side.

Asael didn't bother to see the condition of his body, he wouldn't be able to digest it so he forced his eyes to remain on his face as he cupped it.

Arien's eyes were half closed, burn marks scattered over his cheeks.

"Arien...Arien..." Asael pulled his head onto his lap. "Hey, hey...listen to better stay with me. Do you hear me? You better stay the fuck with me, Arien."

"You don't get to leave me too, stay with me, please--" He broke down, pressing his forehead to Arien's. "Please, stay with me."

It took him three tries to grab his phone from his pocket, two tries to call his father. "I'm on my way--"

"H-he's...alive...get...get help, please..."

Kallias said something in response but Asael didn't bother to listen as he let the phone drop to the floor.

"Arien", he whispered, letting his eyes scan his whole body, his heart broke the moment it landed on his hand.

Bruised, bloodied and broken. So fucking broken with crooked fingers, bones protruding from the skin and Asael almost vomited on the sight.

He couldn't even imagine what Arien must have had to go.

Arien's lips moved very slowly making Asael put his ear to his mouth. "What?"

"...over..." He was mumbling unconsciously. "...all...over...everything..."

"Nothing's over, you hear me? You are going to fucking live, I will not let you leave me or I swear to fuck, Arien, I am going to follow you to hell."

Arien's pulse was way too slow and faint but it was there. There was hardly any chance of him surviving but Asael would die himself before he would give up on him.

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