Seventeen: Want

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He licked away my tears.

He fucking licked away my tears.

A shiver coasted through me when I remembered his tongue gliding over my cheeks, warm and wet, soft lips.

There was no stopping the butterflies in my stomach every time I thought of that. And I thought of it almost every minute.

Having seen the DNA report I was half convinced that he was telling the truth but hearing it from them was a different thing altogether.

I understand their reason and I still love them but it's going to take me some time to come to terms with everything.

Also, the fact that Arien tried to comfort me in his way. I need to come to terms with that too.

Had he laughed and called me pathetic on seeing me cry, I wouldn't have had a difficult time believing it but...

Stop. That's enough.

I have already avoided him since yesterday.

I only left my room for lunch after making sure the kitchen was empty and then I searched around and could hear him in the gym so I decided to watch TV.

I retreated to my room the moment I heard him approach and then repeated the same thing during dinner.

It was late at night and I was bored so I cautiously wandered downstairs, I was relieved to not find him anywhere so I walked towards the back of the mansion where his helicopter was.

Sliding open the glass door, I stepped out, the wind instantly making my hair sway.

The lights out there illuminated the place enough, the helipad in the middle and I walked around it, eyeing the helicopter, wishing I knew how to fly one.

I sighed softly in defeat and stared out at the ocean which looked dark and scary making me shudder.

Glancing back at the helicopter, I trailed my fingers over the cold metal--

"What are you doing out here?"

My heart picked up speed, my fingers paused on the metal, heat bloomed on my cheeks and I swallowed hard.

I remained where I was a moment later his front pressed against my back making my breath hitch.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him lift his hand and place it beside mine on the helicopter.

His hand inched closer and his fingers grazed mine ever so slightly making me bite my lips.

What is happening?

I bit back a gasp as his hand covered mine, hot breath washing over my ear. "Do you need a ride, little bird?"

It took me a couple of seconds to realise he was referring to the helicopter and I was mortified at how dirty-minded I was, at the same time I was surprised he was offering to take me on a ride (on the helicopter) or maybe he was just joking.

I snapped my head back towards him, not realising how close our faces were until his stubble rubbed against my cheek, my nose grazing his jaw.

My eyes locked onto his lips which were way too close to mine, pink, soft, tempting.

I spent way too long staring at his lips, by the time I lifted my eyes to his, I found him watching me with hooded eyes.

Something hard and hot pressed against my ass making me feel almost dizzy from all the sensations.

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