Five: Ragnar

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(Age Twenty-One)

Asael looked proud as I took another step forward without any support, my knee protested against it but I had enough of leaning on others.

I glanced at the doctor who had been helping all along with walking and my hand. "Will...will the limp go away ever?"

He shook his head and spoke politely, "You have made impressive progress but no matter how many therapies you take, the limp will stay."

I sent a curt nod in his direction before leaning against the wall for a moment.

I was still using crutches but every day for some time, he made me walk around without them. I limp and it's fucking embarrassing but there's nothing I can do.

I tampered down the rage that threatened to bubble up.

"Ready to go?" Asael asked.

I nodded and grabbed my elbow crutch before following him out of there.

Reaching home, I refused to take any help in getting out of the car and did it on my own.

My pace was slow and I hated it, I hated everything, I hated myself for being alive. I should have died that day along with them.

My vision blurred for a moment before I cleared my head and slowly walked inside the house.

Aunty and Uncle refused to let me live alone so ever since that day, I stayed with them and shared a room with Asael.

Entering the living room, I paused. Lying on the floor was my favourite bat along with a red, cricket ball.

"I thought...maybe we could play for a bit..." Asael smiled softly, picking up the bat.

Dad! Mom! I got selected in the ODI team for the series against Australia!

I am going to be a professional cricketer.

I will be the future of England cricket.

All my dreams are coming true.

This is the beginning. Soon, I will be the number-one batter across all formats!

Just wait and see how I will make everyone obsessed with me.


Everything's over.

Nothing's left.

My family is gone. My dreams shattered.

I am useless.

I should have died.

Why did I live?


Mom and Sierna were raped in front and I didn't do anything to save them.

I ruined everything.

A hand touched my shoulder and all I could imagine was James touching my sister, a red haze covered my vision and I wrapped my left hand around the person's throat, squeezing it with all the strength my fingers could muster.

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