Twenty-Four: Come Back

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I seriously didn't want to update so soon because I have only written till chapter 29 and I still need to write a few more chapters but you all are really impatient.
Also, I want atleast 60 comments on this chapter, okay?



My gasp was swallowed by his mouth, knees buckling as I clutched the front of his t-shirt to hold myself.

The kiss was sloppy, messy, and desperate making my heart beat at a crazy pace.

I was pulled closer by my waist, his head tilting as he kissed me harder and my brain finally caught up with everything as I kissed him back tentatively.

Butterflies exploded in my stomach at his groan of approval the moment I kissed him back and I slid my arms up to lock around his neck.

He parted my mouth with his lips, plunging his tongue inside and I melted against him, his tongue dominating my mouth.

His hands slipped down and without breaking the kiss, he bent down and picked me up in his arms, my legs locking around his waist.

For barely a second, I parted away to catch my breath but a growl rumbled in his chest and he chased my mouth with his, capturing it again in a hungry kiss.

He carried me somewhere but I didn't care as I caressed his tongue with mine, slipping my fingers into his hair.

I was slammed against a cold wall and a moment later, cold water rained down on us making me gasp into the kiss, goosebumps pebbling my skin.

Even then he didn't stop kissing me. I didn't want to stop either but I was going to faint due to the lack of oxygen so I squeezed his shoulder.

"Arien", I whimpered into the kiss.

That did the trick as he paused, lips still attached to mine as he slowly lowered me down on the floor.

My eyes fluttered open just in time to see an array of emotions flicker across his face. Longing. Desire. Conflict.

Panting, he pressed his forehead to mine, cupping my face, and caressing my cheeks.

He remained like that for a long moment before I felt his body stiffen and he slowly pulled back and stated without meeting my eyes, "Don't leave this room."

Then he was gone.

I felt extra cold with his absence and quickly turned the water to hot, pondering over what just happened.

I touched my lips which now felt swollen. I can't believe my captor kissed me and I loved it. I kissed him back. Passionately.

And I want more.

But I think he is trying to ignore me.

My head throbbed with all the thoughts and I shut them all out. Just for tonight.

I removed my drenched clothes and was grateful that all the blood had washed away already.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I padded out to an unfamiliar room but seeing the small television with all the CCTV footage running on it, I assumed it was Arien's.

Wait a damn minute.

My mouth fell open as I watched the live footage of my room. I didn't even have any privacy in my room?!

I quickly searched through the footage and was relieved to find none of my bathroom.

Oh God. I can't believe he...

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