Nineteen: Mine

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My right palm rested on the wall in front of me, the cold water from the shower cascading down my body.

My eyes were fixed on the spot on my knuckles where Zahria kissed me yesterday.

She was a dangerous woman. A single, chaste brush of her lips that too on my knuckles and I can't fucking stop thinking about it.

She is fucking controlling, playing mind games, trying to make me pity her.

All this ends now.

Horace and James are not my first priority now, she is. I don't care if she helps with my revenge, I am going to end her life. Right now.

Ever since yesterday, for the first time, I let my right hand under the water, washing away the tingles left by her kiss.

I turned off the shower, towel-dried myself and wore a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

I had every plan of choking her to death but then...she will struggle. It will hurt.

What is the most painless form of death?

Maybe I can crush some sleeping pills, add them to a drink and make her drink it.

When I entered her room, I found her on the bed, her body curled, the heating pad resting on her abdomen while she slept.

She slept on her side, legs pulled up to keep the heating pad in place, one arm under her head, the other extended. Hair spilling over her face, covering it.


I slowly removed the heating pad, it was already very hot, and she could have burnt herself.

Gently I brushed away the hair from her face, her lips were in a pout, a frown on her forehead.

I ran my fingers over her throat, it would be easy to break her neck, finish this nuisance.

Yet my fingers paused.

My jaw locked tightly as I forced my fingers to wrap around her throat.

A whimper escaped her mouth the moment my fingers tightened around her throat.

I jerked my hand away as if her skin burnt. Fuck. I can't do this.

I have taken countless lives without any remorse then why the fuck is this so difficult? She is Horace's daughter, if that can't make me kill her then...nothing can.

Her eyes fluttered open making me take a step back.

"You", she mumbled sleepily when she saw me. "Why are you here? Always being a pervert...creep...assho..." Her eyes dropped shut as she fell asleep again.

My heart gave a dull throb, hands itching to grab her and pull her against me.

I am losing my fucking mind.


I came to an abrupt pause as I reached downstairs, standing in the middle of the living room was a man with his back to me, the familiar brown hair made me glare at him.

"How the fuck did you get here?"

Elmer turned around, his hands planted on his hips as his eyes roamed around. "Quite an impressive mansion you have. I wonder why you never told us about buying this."

"How the fuck did you get my location?" I walked closer to him, close to bursting with anger.

He cocked his head. "There's a reason I am the most efficient one in the organisation when it comes to getting information."

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