Nine: Psychopath

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Asael and Verena were leaving for England as Asael told me over dinner.

I had already told Asael that I would be staying here for a while due to the possibility of getting a lead on Horace.

What he didn't know was that I already found the biggest lead in the form of his fiancee's best friend.

He wouldn't react well to the plan I was forming so I decided to keep him out of it even though he plays a huge role in the Ragnar.

Having done with dinner with them both, I settled down in the living room to watch an ongoing T20 international match between South Africa and New Zealand. It didn't matter if my country was playing or not, cricket was cricket.

Asael joined me on the couch making me realise how long it has been since we both watched a match together.

"I don't feel good about leaving you here", Asael said in a low voice, brushing his palm over my shoulder.

"You had no problem in leaving me alone in England."

"Because Dad, Mom and Elmer were there to look after you but here..."

"I don't need a babysitter." I turned my head to him as the ad came on. "I am capable of taking care of myself."

Asael gave me a stern look. "So capable that I have to remind you every day to eat and sleep."

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at the TV. "Because you are stupid."

He sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "I care about you, Arien. I want you to stay healthy."


Just then Verena strolled in, carrying Asael's phone as she handed it to him. "It was ringing."

He got up and taking the phone excused himself as Verena took his seat beside me.

"Why are you not coming back with us?" She asked after a moment.


" it related to-- never mind."

I glanced at her. "He told you?"

She smiled sheepishly. "About the Ragnar? Yeah. He did."

I nodded. "Then yes, it's related to that."

"Yeah, I thought so."

I continued staring at her, even though there was no similarity between Sierna and her in terms of features considering Verena's hair and eyes were shades of brown, she still reminded me of Sierna since her antics were very much like hers.

If Sierna was alive, she would have grown up to be like her--mischievous, talkative, exuberant.

"Why are you looking at me so strangely?" She muttered. "Did I say anything to offend you? If yes, then I am sorry--"

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