Thirty-Three: Revenge

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A shitty and a cringey chapter, also, not edited at all 🙂



This will be Horace's last day on earth.

He had the fucking audacity to kidnap my girl and then hold her hostage against me, sending me the location and threatening me to release James in exchange of her.

"What's the plan?" Asael questioned, walking inside the office where Elmer and I stood.

He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, preparing for a fight and grabbed the holster from the table, strapping it to his waist.

"Where did you leave Verena?" We are not going to take any risks.

"With Mom and Dad."

I nodded, turning to Elmer. "Bring him out."

Elmer gave me a curt nod before stepping out of the room.

My body was trembling with uncontrolled rage and I was on the verge of going into another episode.

Asael placed his palm on my shoulder, squeezing it with a slow shake of his head. His face showed his rage but he was able to control it.

"I can't lose her too." I croaked.

"You won't."

I breathed deeply, closing my eyes just as Asael stroked my head. "Everything's going to be okay."

Hearing the door open, I opened my eyes. Elmer dragged a bloodied James inside the room, throwing him on the floor as he landed on his knees.

His hands were tied together behind his back, his face bruised and cut, his pale skin red because of the blood.

Except for the boxer briefs, he was naked and drowsy yet he managed to glare at me.

"If we give him away, there's a little chance that you might not be able to kill him." Asael whispered to me, glaring at James.

"I don't care. Not anymore. As long as I get Zahria, I don't care about the revenge."


"Let's go."


"I fucking knew it." Asael hissed as the helicopter prepared to land near the location Horace sent me. "He has a fucked up sense of humour."

It was the same place, the one where I lost everything twelve years back.

Not again.


I won't make the same mistakes.

"I am going in alone. Give me ten minutes before you all infiltrate." I ordered as the helicopter landed.

"At least take some weapons with you", Elmer said.

"He can handle everything for ten minutes." Asael stated, giving me an encouraging look.

I nodded and got out of the helicopter and headed to the other one in which my men and James were travelling.

I grabbed James by his bicep and dragged him forward towards the godforsaken shed.

James was barely alive which meant he didn't even have the energy to speak which was good or else I would have ripped out his tongue.

As I reached the shed, I could practically hear the cries of my mother and sister, my vision turning black.

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