Fifteen: Overthinking

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Day fifteenth of being held captive.

I can't believe no one missed me enough to search for me.

That fucking hurts.

Maybe I am adopted. No wonder my parents aren't searching for me.

That hurts even more.

A random channel played on the TV but I paid no attention to it as my thoughts spiraled making my heart hurt.

I can eat three meals here, wear new clothes almost every day, shower whenever I want, roam the house, and watch TV. I am not being physically hurt. That's more than any privileges a typical hostage is allowed.

That doesn't mean I want to remain here.

Verena has Asael now. They love each other, I don't matter to her anymore.

No one loves me.

No one cares.

No one--

"What the fuck are you doing?" Arien growled, grabbing my forearm and pulling it away making me realise that I was scratching my hand causing the skin to redden.

I breathed heavily and avoided looking at him as I snatched my hand back and tucking my legs under me, I rested my chin on my knees, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling window.

The couch dipped as he settled next to me and a moment later, his fingers touched my jaw as he grabbed it firmly and turned my face to him.

He scrutinized my face, eyes searching mine, brows pulling together. "What are you thinking?"

I didn't even have the energy to shout at him so I simply sighed and averted my eyes.

He squeezed my jaw. "Look. At. Me."

I clenched my jaw and refused to obey him.

"Zahria." He warned.

I think it's the first time he has addressed me by my name and it felt strange hearing him say that considering how it rolled off his tongue in his British accent. I liked it.

I felt compelled to lift my eyes to him. "What?" I asked dryly.

"What are you thinking?" He repeated his question, a little impatiently this time. "Why are you...sulking?"

I scoffed. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I have been kidnapped and forced to stay on this island. Or maybe it's because I can't contact my family or friends. You choose."

His eyes narrowed, lips pursing. "You have been here for fifteen days, everything caught up to you now?"

"Yeah, maybe I am getting fucking depressed. I swear I will make you pay for my therapy once I get out of here."

For a second he looked humoured before he schooled his expressions. "I need the real answer."

"Just leave me alone. I told you my answer."

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