Twenty-Nine: Affection

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It was fascinating how silent it was inside my head these days.

The memories from that day still persist, they haven't disappeared but as long as Zahria's beside me, there's peace.

That hollowness that I once felt in my heart was now replaced with overflowing warmth threatening to burst out.

I can't spend a single moment without her. I had this constant need to keep touching her, not just sexually.

Zahria's fingers were intertwined with mine as she walked ahead of me in the park in the evening.

She had a smile on her face as she looked around and pointed out things to me.

There was a slight pain in my knee but I ignored it, following her whenever she went.

A man jogged past us, eyeing Zahria appreciatively making me glare at him coldly.

Gulping, he looked away and almost ran from there.

My girl was fucking beautiful but her beauty was only to be appreciated by me. I was the only one who could ogle and worship her.

Looking over my shoulder, I kept glaring at his back until Zahria tugged at my hand. "Whom are you trying to kill with your eyes?"

"No one", I grumbled, pulling her close.

She looked amused but didn't question me further and asked instead, "Should we go back now?"


She glanced down at my knee. "We have been walking for too long, your knee must be aching."

It was but I didn't want to admit it or else she would insist on leaving. "No. It's not."

"Are you sure?"

Nodding, I thought of distracting her when my eyes fell on the ice cream truck in the distance. "Do you want to eat ice cream?"

Her eyes lit up. "Yes. But are you sure you are alright?"

I pressed a firm kiss on her forehead. "Yes, my little bird. Let's go."

Holding her hand, I led her towards the truck.

Reaching it, she went through the menu and asked, "What will you have?"

"Whatever you are having."

"No." She frowned. "Choose a different flavour, that way I can taste a bit of yours too." She smiled sheepishly.

She was so fucking adorable that I had this urge to squeeze her tightly and kiss the fuck out of her.

"Okay, choose whatever you want."

Grinning, she ordered for us both. One cookie and cream flavour and the other blueberry one.

I paid for the ice creams and she watched me strangely.

I raised a brow at her. "What?"


When the shopkeeper handed her the cones filled with large scoops of ice cream, she cocked her head. "Which one should I take?"

I chuckled. "Ria, darling, you can buy the whole shop if you want."

She pouted. "But then I will get bored while eating too much ice cream."

"Here." She handed me the cookies and cream. "You eat this, okay?"


We both sat down on a bench and she happily licked at her ice cream as I watched her in fascination.

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