Twenty: Screwed

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What if I lost my only chance of getting out of here?

After everything that happened I couldn't bring myself to trust a random man to take me home safely.

But after he mentioned Asael, I sort of started to believe him but by then I had already lost my chance.

Arien doesn't want me to leave, he made that pretty much clear.

He sounded scary when he shouted at Elmer making me shiver which also made me realise that he never talked to me in that tone which is...good, right? Because I would have straight up ended up crying if he did.

The door of my room was slammed open making me sit up straight as Arien strolled in.

His face was bloodied, the blood had dried up but it was there, bruises and small cuts covered his face making him look even more lethal.

"Why didn't you clean your face?" I asked sternly.

Elmer and him fought and from the state of his face, it's clear it must have hurt a lot.

But he acted as if it was normal.

He brought his hand up to his face, brows furrowing as if he just realised that there was something on his face.

I was up on my feet in an instant as I grabbed his arm and pulled it away. "Stop touching or they might get infected. Go wash your face and apply something."

He stared at me as if wondering if I had lost my mind and maybe I had because I hated the idea of him in pain.

"Go", I urged.


"No. Do it right now."

"Don't trouble me, Ria."

Still grabbing his hand, I started to pull him in the direction of the bathroom. "Yes, I will."

When he didn't comply, I told him pointing to my bed, "Okay, sit there then."

Rolling his eyes, he sat down on the edge of the bed and I went inside the bathroom.

Taking a small, soft towel, I wetted it with warm water and took out the first aid kit from the drawer (which I discovered last week).

Returning to the room, thankfully he was still there and I placed the kit on the bed beside him.

His legs were spread and I carefully stepped between them making him glance up at me, his face devoid of emotions.

Holding the wet towel, I gently touched one of the cuts and started to clean it making his jaw tick.

Not so strong now.

I made sure to not let my eyes wander and only remain on the task but it was difficult with how his gaze was fixed on my face.

I cleaned his cheeks and forehead and moved down to his lips which were burst open and cleaned them with extra tenderness.

To keep his face steady, I pinched his chin in between my thumb and index finger causing my thumb to slightly touch his lower lip in the process.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled down on his lap making me gasp. "Hey!"

He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck and I could feel his lips move against my skin as he murmured, "No one will take you away from me. No one."

My hands clutched his shoulders. "This is not can't keep me here forever."

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