Thirty-Four: Peace

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I rubbed at my skin furiously, standing under the shower, trying to wash away all the unwanted touches.

Luckily, they didn't do any long-lasting damage except for some groping.

I thought after stabbing the first guy, I was free but as I ran out of the room, I found myself in another with two guards.

They saw the dagger in my hand and were prepared to fight me. Had that other guard not arrived, they would have done worse.

Seeing Arien there was like a huge relief, all the tears I was holding in just came out.

I was busy scrubbing my breasts when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I almost flinched but then I recognised Arien's touch and leaned back into him.

The water at our feet turned pinkish and I turned around in his arms to check on him, he was completely naked with blood splattered over his face and other parts of his body

His face looked blank but his eyes were wild as he scrutinized my face.

"Are you hurt?" I muttered.

He shook his head. "Not my blood."

"Good." I kissed his cheek. "Are they dead?"

He smiled so coldly that it made me shiver. "Not so easily."

I put my hands around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Where did they touch you?" His voice was low and dangerous.

I tightened my hands around him. "They...groped my breasts and ass...I feel so dirty."

Cupping the back of my neck, he lifted my head, breathing harshly against my mouth. "You are the purest person I have ever met, Zahria. I fucking love you, nothing can ever make you dirty."

I was glad that the shower hid away my tears as I kissed him.

With a low growl, he plunged his tongue inside my mouth, his cock hard and hot against my abdomen.

"Just so you know..." He whispered huskily, nibbling his way down to my neck. "...everyone got what they deserved for touching you."

"You killed them all?" I whimpered as he sucked on my neck.

"Mhmm...only after cutting off their dicks."

Fuck. I should seriously run in the opposite direction but I was so in love with his man that even his unhinged nature turned me on.

His hands cupped my breasts, playing with them. "Let me erase their touch."

He removed his hand only to replace it with his mouth, sucking my nipple tenderly. "Let me love you."

I buried my hand in his hair, throwing my head back, moaning softly.

He switched to the other breast, showering it with equal attention whole grabbing my ass and kneading it, replacing their touches with his.

Moving down, he gripped my thighs, murmuring, "Hop on, darling."

With his help, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me against the wall, his cock nudging my entrance.

His lips met mine as he slowly pushed inside me, replacing every unwanted thought with his love.


Arien was not ready for me to leave the home all alone and when I told him that I didn't want him accompanying me for some reason, he insisted I take Elmer along as a bodyguard.

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