Twenty-One: Cricket

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There was radio silence from Asael and Elmer. It won't be long before Asael is here.

I won't let him take her away from me. No, he can't. She is mine. She is not going anywhere.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Last week, seeing the hickey I left on her neck made me feel so fucking possessive. I wanted to put my mark all over her, and cover her body with it.

And her laughter...God damn.

I hit the stop button on the treadmill and got off it, slumping down on the floor as I pulled out my phone.

I don't even remember the amount of times I have opened my gallery just to see her picture.

My fingers holding her chin, eyes shut tightly, lips in an angry pout, crosses made out of band-aids on her forehead and cheeks. Fucking adorable.

I felt so lighthearted, so damn happy and seeing the caught off guard expression on her face made me realise that I was fucking smiling. A genuine smile.

When was the last time I smiled like that? More than a decade back.

She has tried to avoid me since. Trying to stay in her room most of the time, only coming out to cook after making sure I was not in sight.

There are cameras all over the house, she can't really hide from me but I let her have some peace for a week.

But I had enough now, I desperately needed to see her in person.

After taking a quick shower to wash away the sweat, I limped my way upstairs.

Her room was empty but the door to the bathroom was ajar.

Peeking inside, I found her standing in front of the mirror, frowning as she ran her fingers down her hair and tilted her head to take a look at the back of her hair in the mirror.

She was startled as I stepped inside, shaking her head when she realised it was me. "There's something called privacy you know."

I walked closer to her, coming to stand behind her as I murmured, "What are you doing?"

She sighed, glancing back into the mirror. "I need a haircut. I usually keep my hair shoulder length but ever since you made me your...guest", she said sharply, watching me through the mirror, "I couldn't get one."

I looked down at her hair which had grown an inch or two below her shoulder level but in my opinion it looked almost the same.

Unconsciously, I stroked the back of her hair, watching my fingers glide through it. Soft and smooth. "I like it."

Her eyes met mine in the mirror, a tint of pink coating her cheeks as I continued to stroke her hair.

Clearing my throat, I stepped back before I could do something I would regret.

She snapped out of the daze and looked away, grabbing a hairbrush and brushing her hair and pulling it into a low ponytail. "I need a haircut badly. If only you weren't so damn stubborn and kept me here." She blew out a breath, mumbling to herself.

Ria wants a haircut.

Maybe I can do something about it.


"Where are you taking me?" She asked as I flew the helicopter over to Crestwood.

She gazed out of the window and calmed down a bit when she noticed the Island below her while I prepared to land the helicopter.

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